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Messages - vickysue

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Off-Topic / Re: Which State of the 50 Would You Choose to Live in?
« on: November 06, 2019, 02:42:34 pm »Message ID: 1300298
Having lived in  accouple of other states and visited a lot of other states,  Mexico  and Canada. I think  I will  just tay here in New Mexico , Yeah the weather gets how in the summer, but the  winters are mild for the most part with a few days of snow thrown in. But it  has no problems like in the Midwest nor on either coast. Yep pretty much where I want to be.

Off-Topic / Re: I'm back Whew
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:41:40 pm »Message ID: 1298779
I haven't been on the computer much the last  few months.  Hubby has been on a lot. But until a few days ago he was not suppose to be doing a lot and it was up to me so been pretty busy. Teach him to have a fight with the  table saw.  Took a long time for the fingers to heal and the scabs  come off by them selves. His fingers sure look funny now.

Off-Topic / Re: Does anybody remember Hershey syrup in cans?
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:38:19 pm »Message ID: 1298778
Oh yeah remember those cans very well and loved using the  syrup out of them. does seem as if they product is a little different. The cans  seemed to be a lot  thicket then the plastic bottles. I  use the bottles but  not as much as I did the cans. Living out on a ranch/farm 97 miles  from the nearest big grocery story I bought it  a case at a time, hoping it would last me 6 months. Just our small family it would but when it come to cooking for 12 hired hands at times it didn't last.

Off-Topic / Re: Flu Season Strategies
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:32:29 pm »Message ID: 1298773
I  always get my flu shot, work around a lot of  people who don't. And with an  auto-immune disease it is a must for me.  I have never gotten  sick with a flu shot and hope I don't. But I have had the flu and it was not nice. I would rather  get the shot.

Off-Topic / Re: what would be your next vacation
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:29:08 pm »Message ID: 1298771
There are  a lot of places here in the United States I would like to visit.  So  many I have not been to yet. So I would just stay in the god old  U.S.A,  I r I  enjoyed going to Mexico for several years but nowit is too dangerous.
eally have no desire to co out of the country any more.

Off-Topic / Re: Would you? Could you?
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:12:50 pm »Message ID: 1297680
I wa so lucky to have  sons who were  tuned into to working and supporting themselves.  Sadly the young one who had his life all planned out  when he was  17 died in  horrible  car wreck along with his cousin and  2 young friends. He was already  signed up to go into the Navy. Want to  be a cook and then go to school to learn to be a chef. The oldest boy already had 1 years in with the  Railroad when he passed.  But  hubby's  boys were a different story and he  finally just  cut them off from everything and they got ticked off and we have not heard from them in 16 years. If they couldn't  get dad to support them they  didn't want anything to do with him. So sad.

Off-Topic / Re: Cats Grrrrrrrrrrrr
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:04:08 pm »Message ID: 1297679
I am not a  house cat or dog  person,  when they go outside they bring in a lot of pollen in the summer and I would always be cleaning up after them. Here a couple of weeks ago as the renters moved out  I went over to check on the house before giving them back their deposit. well needless too say they did not get their deposit because the dogs had peed  in the house a few  times.  After puking up I went to cleaning with a big rental cleaner and spent 5 hours cleaning.  Smells great now. It is my daughter-in-laws house, But they live 700 miles away so I am the property manager.  It is  up for sale and  by golly I intend it to be  clean.  Getting back to  owning cats and dogs. When I was in the country I had both but outside .
But living in town they have no place to run and so I do not have them. I would never have one that had to be chained.

Off-Topic / Re: Under the weather
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:59:57 pm »Message ID: 1297095
I am getting my flu shot  next week. But was sick this week, all I did was blow my  nose and sleep. Never had a bad headach, not sick at my stomach, no chills nor  fever.  Don't  know what was going on. But sure am tired  for some reason.  My husband thinks I  was wore done from so much work  at the Ministry. It was a hetic week with so much  going on.

Off-Topic / Re: The Great Outdoors
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:53:52 pm »Message ID: 1297094
I am in and out   all day, get  plenty of excise  helping get  wood   split and cut. we did a cord Sa.  Was pretty sore for a day or so. But it is good for you.  Fishing once in a while  But it will get  cold soon and won't  do that.  Will find other  ways     to  keep busy besides my volunteer work which  keeps me on the go  2-4 times a week depending what we are doing.

Off-Topic / Re: Landline Phones
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:49:59 pm »Message ID: 1297093
I got rid of my landline  here  a long time ago, they were so expensive. So I  now  have 2  cell phones, 1 for hubby  and a smart phone for me. He doesn't want a  smart phone, I love mine.  And my internet is  local .  But they are  putting in optic lines and I will go nit when it gets to us. The cell phones are consumer cellular and cheap with on problems getting anyone.

Off-Topic / Re: Are you an Introvert?
« on: September 30, 2019, 02:46:34 pm »Message ID: 1294874
I used to be really bad, did not want to be around  many people. But over the years I have learned to  handle people on a one on one basis, But if they start to crowd me, I start pull away from them. I will even leave them standing for a few moments to run outside and collect myself. Most at the Ministry are ok with it. they have gotten to know my quirks . Even my boss is very understanding about it.  Most times I have someone I can  call to take over for a little bit. I wish I could get over it but now at 76 I guess I am not going to.

Off-Topic / Re: Where Did You Go on your First Date?
« on: September 25, 2019, 03:25:05 pm »Message ID: 1294216
We  went to  Olive Gardens.  The food was quite  good. Then  back to some friends house for a drink before I had to leave to go pick up my nephew and his wife and baby coming in from Alaska.  Ended up having to wait 4 hours for them  to get in. What a long  night and then had to go to work the next day while they slept.  But  from a blind date to marriage and we have now been married for 26 years.

Off-Topic / Re: Trump impeachment talks
« on: September 25, 2019, 03:21:01 pm »Message ID: 1294214
It is more of a ploy to drag this stuff out , hoping it will damaged his being reelected again. Well  people are tired of it.  And it is  just making the democrats look and act like children who don't get their way. They haven't  done much for the country in the last 3 years  I don't  know why  they are still being  paid. Now they are getting ready to take another 2 weeks off. What a joke they are

Off-Topic / Re: How often do you eat Instant Ramen ?
« on: September 25, 2019, 03:15:17 pm »Message ID: 1294213
I very seldom ever ate them, although I will use the noodles in stir fry, but the seasoning I pitch it is way to salty and not good for you.  I will also  once in a great while add the doodles to homemade chicken soup, if I don't have the noodles I like to use just because I am too lazy to go to the store for one item. Now hubby  will eat them once in a while in the winter for a snack. But there  again I don't like the  seasoning. So I encourage him to  use other seasonings  to make them taste  good.

Off-Topic / Re: What time would you wake up with no alarm?
« on: September 23, 2019, 01:57:14 pm »Message ID: 1293939
I am every morning between 5;30 AM  and 6: am. Even as a child I would get up.  My stepfather could not believe  when he and mom got married. He  would get up and I would already be up fixing breakfast and would have already built up the  fire in the boiler.  Still the same way.


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