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Topics - BK_Adores_Chase

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 24
Off-Topic / Have You Lost a Spouse?
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:37:14 am »Message ID: 923234
A lady that used to go to my church lost her husband, I think they were together for 30+ years.  I don't know her personally but I feel like I should send her a card.

I've never been that great at consoling people.

Is there anyone on here who has lost a spouse?

My question to you is if I were to write you a card what would you want me to say?

Off-Topic / I Thought My Husband Was A Born Again Believer But
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:43:47 am »Message ID: 921425
now I'm not so sure.  I'm wondering if it was all a charade - I know he wanted to marry me really badly and he was always afraid of losing me.  Not that he did it intentionally, I think he may have even fooled himself.  It's a long story, a LOT of background details, but now he doesn't even open his bible and he says he gets irritated because all I ever want to talk about is God.  He also loves the things of this world and thinks I'm being dramatic when I change certain things because I have been convicted / decided that those things are sin in God's eyes.  For example, there's this show I used to watch, Tosh.0, and in the show the guy makes light of homosexuality, abortions, Jesus, etc. (it's a comedy show) and I don't think God would appreciate me watching and laughing at those shows.

I just feel like I should stop talking about God to him so he doesn't get upset, even though he told me to keep talking about God because he probably needs to hear it.  But I don't know if that's a good idea (to stop talking about it) because I don't want it to negatively affect our marriage.  BUT maybe if I had another person I could call and talk to about the Lord, that would help.

Anyway, is there anyone out there married to an unbeliever that has any tips for me?  Am I wrongly evaluating the situation and maybe he IS saved but just not strong in his faith?

Off-Topic / Does Anyone Remember The Holocaust?
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:20:55 am »Message ID: 916422
Please:  You're on this forum probably to make the $3 a month - can you please just follow along with me and my questions?  The more answers I get the better and I think you'll be really surprised with where these series of questions lead.  What have you got to lose?  If you want to skip everyone else's replies and just get to my questions, I'll be putting them in bold and large font.

Did you know Adolf Hitler sanctioned the murder of 11 million people during the Holocaust?  He put Jews in concentration camps and brainwashed the whole German civilization.  Today statues of Hitler are forbidden in Germany and his *bleep* salute is illegal.  In Austria, if you deny that the Holocaust took place you’ll be thrown into jail.  Germany has mandatory education for children about the Holocaust because it’s been widely said that those who forget history are destined to repeat it.

Question #1 of 11:  Would you say Hitler was good or bad?

Off-Topic / The Book of Revelation
« on: September 08, 2014, 10:55:47 am »Message ID: 916141
At church we are starting to study the book of Revelation, I have read it through once and then went back through to read John MacArthur's commentary just so I can get a feel for the book.  It can be emotional - to think of all of the people who are going to suffer for not accepting the free gift of salvation and rejecting an Almighty God.  But also to know that one day I'm going to come face to face with the one who gave His life for me - wow.  I can't wait!

Off-Topic / Robin Williams - Meanwhile, in Iraq
« on: August 13, 2014, 04:30:41 am »Message ID: 908582
I think it's sad that nearly EVERYONE knows and is saddened by the death of Robin Williams but so few know of or even care about the hundreds of Iraqi Christian children, mothers, and fathers are being murdered for their love for Christ.

I have seen multiple posts about Robin Williams.  I haven't seen one post about ISIS - this is so sad.  I feel like no one cares about what's going on in the world - priorities are out of order for most.

There is one picture circulating around the web of a 10 year old Muslim boy holding up a head of a Iraqi Christian child, the father was saying, "That's my boy!" - multiple Iraqi children are being beheaded, mothers being raped, killed, or FORCED to be a Muslim wife AKA convert.  Fathers are being hung.  It's convert or die.  Thousands have fled to nearby cities or mountains and children are dying from a lack of food and water.

Unpleasant?  Sure, but it's life and it's happening right now and just because it's unpleasant doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye.

No skin off Obamas back - our Muslim president deals with this world crisis with two rounds of golf while on vacation.

Thanking the Lord today for the privilege to study His word without fear of physical persecution.

For my true brothers and sisters in Christ - those who believe through faith alone in Christ alone, and not by good works - just remember James 5:16 ..The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

They need our prayers.

Off-Topic / Hey, Jehovah's Witness?
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:23:58 am »Message ID: 907359
1st read Revelation 1:8 - then Revelation 22:13.  Finally, read Revelation 1:17-18 and answer me this:  When did Jehovah die?

Off-Topic / People Who Watch
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:12:07 am »Message ID: 906965
Every place is a sanctuary and every believer is a priest, right? You know, some people don’t get that. We still have a form in Christendom in the Roman Catholic system of Christianized Judaism where you have priests who wear distinctive clothes as they did in Judaism, who function on altars in a kind of temple sanctuary on earth, where you have ornate buildings where candles burn and incense is offered. One writer says, “These men robed in gorgeous vestments within a roped off sanctuary stand before a bloodless altar with a background of burning candles, crosses and smoking incense and conduct worship for the people who watch.” Tragic substitute for the spiritual worship our Lord calls for..

- Dr. John MacArthur

Off-Topic / Time, Space, Matter, Power, Motion
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:11:03 am »Message ID: 906964
Science expresses the universe in 5 terms: Time, space, matter, power, and motion.

In the beginning (time) God created (power) the heavens (space) and earth (matter).. and the Spirit of God was moving (motion) over the surface of the waters. - Genesis 1:1,2

In the first two verses of His Word (written in 1450 B.C.) God tells us that He controls all aspects of the universe.

Off-Topic / If I Had to Tell My Son I Couldn't
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:24:01 am »Message ID: 906359
I have a son and if I had to say, "son, I need you to to be beaten, bruised, and crucified for the world.." I couldn't do it.  That's my baby, I love my kids abundantly.  This is what the Lord did for us - sinners - completely unworthy and undeserving but He did.

Pure and unconditional love displayed on the cross.

Off-Topic / Terrorist Attacks
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:23:16 am »Message ID: 906357
The Bible tells us to make disciples of the nations.  In John 4 Jesus is a beautiful example of an evangelist.  He initiates the conversation with a Samaritan woman and that's most often the case - you have to initiate.  This Samaritan was ignorant and uneducated and thought she worshiped God.  Jesus said to her, "you worship what you do not know."  Anyone who believes in God but not Christ is going to be eternally damned.  Does the Bible not teach us to consider others as more important than ourselves?  Our hearts should break for the unsaved.

If you knew about the terrorist attacks on 9-11-11 a week before they happened would you have warned people?  To spare their life?

If we believe Hell to be the real place that it is, we should warn people.  We need to spread the gospel which is the only thing that saves; not my testimony, not your testimony.

We shouldn't desire for others salvation for their sake or our own - we should desire salvation for others so God gets the glory, the praise, the worship that He rightfully deserves.

Off-Topic / Receive the Free Gift
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:22:51 am »Message ID: 906355
The universe declares Gods majesty.  Look around you - God has more than enough evidence of Himself in creation itself so that all are without excuse.  The fool says in his heart their is no God.  People don't come to Christ because they love their sin.

God loved us so much that He gave the One He loved the most to die for our sins.  Christ humbly laid down His innocent life - He died so we could live.  He took the punishment we rightfully deserve - people don't go to Hell because of the sins they commit - they go because they failed to ask for and receive the free gift that is available to all.

Dedicate your life; give your heart to Christ

Off-Topic / Do you believe in God but not Jesus?
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:07:53 am »Message ID: 901608
"God is true, a God who cannot lie. He is truth personified. God is true. If that is so, then you must believe in Christ. Why? Because God sent an angel and said this child is Immanuel. This is Jesus who will save His people from their sins. Because God sent an angel, this is the Son of God, because God spoke at His baptism, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” Because God spoke at the Transfiguration, “This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.”

If you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then God lied. Understand? So don’t come with some kind of patronizing statement about, “Well I believe in God, I believe in the true God, I just reject Christ.” No, if you reject Christ, then you affirm that God is a liar. Contrary to that, He who receives the testimony concerning Christ, sets His seal to this, that God is true. You can’t say God is true but reject Christ. You can’t do that."

- Dr. John MacArthur

Off-Topic / Have you ever taken something that wasn't yours?
« on: June 19, 2014, 10:42:56 am »Message ID: 891552
Have you ever lied?  Used Gods name in vain (ex:  G*d d*mn it)?  If so, by YOUR OWN admission, you’re a lying thief and a blasphemer.  That’s only 3 of the 10 commandments.

The Bible says the punishment for sin is Hell (1 Corinthians 6:10).  God is a Judge who made The Law (Psalm 7:11) and if He doesn’t serve you the sentence/punishment (Hell), He wouldn't be a good judge.

Think of it this way:  You steal a car.  The evidence is there, there’s no doubt that you’re guilty.  If the judge lets you go, he wouldn’t be a good judge.  He would probably lose his job.  You owe $50,000; you have no money and if you don’t pay the fine you’re going to prison for life, no parole.  All of a sudden someone comes into the courtroom and says, “I have $50,000 and I want to pay this fine for my friend because I love him/her and I know s/he doesn't have the money.”  You are now free to go; your fine has been paid.

That’s how it is with Christ.  He shed His innocent blood on the cross because although God hates sin, He loves sinners (Romans 5:8 ) and doesn't want anyone to go to Hell (2 Peter 3:9).  That is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you – so you could have what you DON’T deserve:  Eternal life by faith in Christ (John 3:16).
You have to repent (stop/turn from your sin) and put your full faith and trust in Christ (1 John 1:9).  God knows you aren't perfect, all He wants is for you give Him your whole heart and live for Him (Matthew 22:37).

Every 24 hours, 150,000 people in the U.S. die – don’t wait until it’s too late (Job 14:5).  The Bible says life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow (James 14:4).

Off-Topic / Have you ever lied?
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:11:27 am »Message ID: 891073
What does that make you?

Off-Topic / Please read this I need all opinions.
« on: March 18, 2013, 05:03:04 am »Message ID: 706164
My sister in law sent me a message exactly a week ago saying her daughter could babysit if we ever needed a sitter (and she needed the money).  Then today she sent me a bunch of extremely detailed messages about why I shouldn't let her step Dad, my kids grandpa, watch them (which he's the only one who ever watches my kids even though I rarely need a sitter) she said not to ever leave my little girl alone with him.

Do you think she would make it up just so her daughter could watch ourkids for money?  My fiance thinks she is and she is his sister so he wuld know better but then again my gut is telling me it is very true and my other sister and law and I bot have gotten bad vibes and my mom said she always had a bad feeling. She said she has been wanting to tell me since my daughter was born but was scared and didn't want the world to know and she has nevet realy told anyone.  She said what he did still haunts het to tis day and shemoved out 17 years ago.

This grandpa I speak of, for example, has calledmy 22 month old baby girl a hottie and has done the same tohis other 16 month old granddaughter.

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