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Messages - gomiago

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Support / Re: can't get to
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:44:39 am »Message ID: 414747
Thank you for the help. I alway's use ccleaner before I get on and after. We had a computer crash on us on Monday and after that is when I started to have the problem, I checked the paid email that morning and later that day it crashed so I don't know if a got a virus, which would be odd that it would just affect this site and nothing else. Any way I'll keep tring and see what happen's. Thank You again  :wave:

Support / help
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:11:50 am »Message ID: 414612
It's me again, To continue from before about not beable to get on the site, when I checked like my profile it say's that I'm off line, I don't know if that mean's anything, but please help!!! like I said in my other post my email adress is, I'm giving this because I won't be able to come back once I'm off. I really like this site, and I just need to know if I've been banned for some reason, cause I know I havn't done anything wrong, I need to know what I'm suppose to do, please read post prior to this it goes with this post. I'm going to leave now, but please send me a email on what to do!!! Thank's

Support / can't get to
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:52:55 am »Message ID: 414605
I'm having problem's getting to anything on the site, I got lucky to be here now, when I try to go to offer's or do the cash email all I get is a bunch of word's and that's it, so I don't know if I'm blocked from the site from doing offer's and that's why I can't do anything, it's really getting me upset, I've been trying since the beginning of the week and I can't get no where, like I said I'm lucky that I'm on this right now, only because I was reading something else on a search engine and it brought me here so I probably won't beable to get back on again after I write this. I just need to know what is going on and what I need to do? Like I said I probably won't be able to get back on so here's my email address so I can get some help!!
[sorry, email addresses are not allowed]   Please help

Off-Topic / September Birthday's
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:24:00 am »Message ID: 410405
How many have a September birthday? I don't have any birthday's or any other special occassion this month, mine are usually in October or july and May. :wave:

Off-Topic / September
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:22:13 am »Message ID: 410402
Here we are in September already, which mean's the holiday's are just around the corner. Does anyone have plan's for Labor Day weekend? The start of the holiday's to come. I really don't have plan's, going to another dog show in Oregon, this one is only a two day show, probabaly stay the night instead of driving back and forth, it's like a 3 hr drive for us. So what are your plan's for the weekend? :wave:

Support / Re: $3.00 Forum bonus
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:31:43 pm »Message ID: 409837
I didn't get mine either, I was hopeing to get it by today to cash out,  but nothing.

Support / one opion panel
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:30:17 pm »Message ID: 409836
I registered with one opion panel, received the email from them clicked it to confirm registration, but never received credit. I kept checking through the day but nothing, same with ticket's for opinion, no credit for either of them. :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Re: Anyone been to the Grand Canyon?
« on: August 27, 2011, 07:01:05 pm »Message ID: 407784
I've been there a few time's, when I was younger my family used to go on family trip's every summer so I was lucky enough to go the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone I love them both. The last time I went, which was about three year's ago with my husband, we took a Helicoptor down into the canyon and that was breath taking, we flew over Vegas  and had luch in the canyon, I just loved flying over the canyon, took alot of picture's. I was scared at first, cause I hate height's, but once we went up and started moving I was fine and we sat up front by the pilot. When you go you should check out the helicoptor ride's that they have there, course I'm not sure where you are staying, we got our's when we were in Vegas. Have fun and enjoy yourseld. :wave:

Off-Topic / Weekend
« on: August 27, 2011, 03:14:47 pm »Message ID: 407632
How is everyone's weekend so far? Good I hope. Mine is starting out good, it finally getting warm enough to enjoy the it and have fun.  :wave:

Off-Topic / Re: what is your favorite ice cream
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:09:16 pm »Message ID: 406302
Mine would have to be good old  Maple Nut and Cookies n Cream :wave:

Off-Topic / Re: why is it so hard to find a job
« on: August 24, 2011, 01:56:44 pm »Message ID: 406301
I know the feeling, I've been out of work for a little over a year.

Offers / Re: Special Offers has been split up into two categories
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:18:25 am »Message ID: 405663
I like the way it's set up now, your right alot of the offer's you didn't get credit for, I know I didn't plus I don't like to download thing's it just bog's down my computor, I do like the video's and daily task's. It make's it easier, especially for the newbie's. :thumbsup:

Off-Topic / end of summer
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:34:25 am »Message ID: 405188
It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. Does any one have any end of summer plan's? I personaly don't, just going to a few dog show's and that's about it, how about you? :wave:

Support / Not getting credit
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:26:06 pm »Message ID: 403977
I've done two survey's already, ssi and surveyhead, and didn't receive credit, I even left it opened for 15 minutes like I usually do, cleared cookies, did everything that I'm suppose to do but no credit, even after it said congrates.

Word Chains & Countdowns / Re: What Offer Approved for you Today?
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:23:39 pm »Message ID: 403975
so far just the email and ptc. I've done a couple of survey's and didn't get credit for them, and I even left it opened for about 15 minute's like I usually do but still nothing, most be one of those day's. :wave:

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