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Messages - 0329

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / Re: A Bible Verse for you
« on: May 24, 2023, 11:38:44 pm »Message ID: 1375600

Off-Topic / Re: Irish Toasts and Blessings
« on: March 27, 2023, 03:12:39 pm »Message ID: 1374830
Beautiful!  So uplifting, I do believe I made a mistake with where I put Tin Whistle Student.

Living and learning.

Have a great day! All :glasses-nerdy:

FusionCash / Irish Tin Whistle Student
« on: March 27, 2023, 03:02:55 pm »Message ID: 1374829
I am learning to play the Irish Tin Whistle.  I really like my Clark D Tin Whistle.  I previously obtained what was listed as an Irish Tin Flute Whistle in the key of F.  It has 6 holes just the same as a Penny Tin Whistle, but has two holes on the backside where a nice looking tassel is hung, it also has two extra holes above the bottom two for the tassel.  This instrument is thicker and longer, and has a mouth piece just like a Tin Whistle, and was made in China.   It is a little harder to play than my original Tin Whistle.

Can anyone tell me exactly what wind instrument this is? 
 Sorry, folks I believe I put this post in the wrong section of the forum.

My question.  Could you please, tell me if there is a way to put this post into the appropriate posting area of FusionCash forum. I tried to delete it in order to type it into the section for talk about anything, but well, I am not allowed too, it won't let me.  I wonder if I were to erase the entire thing in the modify mode, would that work? ???

Thank you.

FusionCash / Re: Posts amount per day
« on: March 27, 2023, 02:45:25 pm »Message ID: 1374826
 :glasses-nerdy: Hmmm, I will take three extra dollars a month.  For just shooting the breeze, and getting helpful information about topics that interest me, oh yes! Not a bad deal at all, for putting in one post a day. That would deffinitely add up to 30 posts in a month, depending on the amount of days in each month, so not such a bad deal at all.

Thank you! :glasses-nerdy:

Off-Topic / Re: Raquel Welch
« on: March 27, 2023, 02:31:22 pm »Message ID: 1374825
Thank you, I did not know that she had died.  I thought she was absolutely beautiful, and a good actress. :rose:

Off-Topic / Re: Product Recall
« on: March 27, 2023, 02:29:18 pm »Message ID: 1374824
 :glasses-nerdy: Hello, and thank you.  I would just like to leave a quote, I have done a little research into salmonella and it seems to me because you make bread or cook the flour before you eat it.  Yes, I found out that I am correct.  "Cook: Cook your food to a temperature ranging between 145 and 165 degrees F to kill bacteria, including Salmonella. The CDC advises against cooking or storing food in the danger zone between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F, which will cause bacteria to multiply.Dec 28, 2021".  I am leaving a link so anyone interested can go to the site, and maybe do a little more research on the subject of salmonella.,will%20cause%20bacteria%20to%20multiply.

Pages: 1