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Messages - poppy1

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« on: December 24, 2011, 06:14:16 pm »Message ID: 465105
Recycle!  :thumbsup: Everything should have a space, if it doesn't then it should not be there.  :dontknow: If you did not wear it in the past two years, then you probably wont' wear it next year.  ??? But someone else might! Goodwill and get a receipt to claim on taxes.... ;D

Off-Topic / Re: new budget
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:08:47 am »Message ID: 463411
If you were not paying yourself first  ??? Let that increase be your pay  :thumbsup: Let it go into a savings account  :thumbsup: and FORGETABOUTIT!  :)

Off-Topic / Re: Having a stroke and cheating spouse.
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:05:08 am »Message ID: 463408
What does he say about the situation?  ???   :heart: Love is very funny at times  :dontknow: You sound like you have a good  :heart: But, when he gets well, will he divorce ? What is your angle?  :dontknow: What do you want? :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Re: How much do you spend on your family at Christmas?
« on: December 19, 2011, 02:03:04 pm »Message ID: 463143
Not a Penny!  :thumbsup: If they want to come by for a good meal and toast to LIFE!  :notworthy: They are welcome..... ;)

Off-Topic / Re: how do you break up with you bf or gf
« on: December 19, 2011, 02:00:44 pm »Message ID: 463141
Through face to face conversation! :thumbsup: Its always hard but time mends all broken hearts! :heart: :crybaby2:

Off-Topic / Re: Did you finish?
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:45:20 pm »Message ID: 462874
Nope!  ??? I don't celebrate the commercial side of Christmas.  :dontknow: I do have candlelights in the windows. :thumbsup:

Off-Topic / Re: how many times a day do you eat
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:43:14 pm »Message ID: 462873
I only eat once a day!  ;) My wife eats eight times a day!  ??? Small portions, lots of fruit and veggies. :thumbsup: Her body burns lots more calories than mine.  :dontknow: I need to eat more times.

Off-Topic / Re: do you buy clothes online?
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:41:08 pm »Message ID: 462872
Not very often!  ??? Mostly I purchase shoes online. :thumbsup:

Off-Topic / Re: how many times a day do you eat
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:13:54 am »Message ID: 460933
Six to Eight times a day!  :thumbsup: Small meals and fruit!  ;D Keeps the body burning calories.  :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Re: How many of you love reading books?
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:44:14 am »Message ID: 460640
I love reading!  :thumbsup: I am married to a writer / published author.  :notworthy: Her nose is always in a book, so I too enjoy! ;D

Off-Topic / Re: What does americans have?
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:41:56 am »Message ID: 460639
We have our freedom!  :thumbsup: We have lots of oil in Alaska and in the Gulf!  :dontknow: We have seasons.  :notworthy: And last but not least we have our noses in everyone elses countries!  ??? :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Re: do you use dating sites online
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:36:03 am »Message ID: 460638
I met my wife on one and we've been together for six years.  :thumbsup: Its a good way to meet people,they connect you with others that enjoy the same things that you do, but you want to keep to your area and make sure someone else knows your plans if you go out on a date.  :notworthy: She should not invite anyone to her home.  ??? Please warn her to meet these potential mates at specific places that are busy. Don't give your number, respond to these people through the site. ::) Stay safe! :thumbsup:

Off-Topic / Re: Do you think the United States Economy will ever recover?
« on: December 11, 2011, 08:19:10 am »Message ID: 459614
I hope that it does!  :thumbsup: Until it do, I will watch what I do with every penny of my income.  :thumbsup: I will pay off and not purchase!  :thumbsup: I will save! Pay myself first!  :thumbsup: I will continue to give and help others.  :angel11: I will Vote and hope to see some changes in the future, for the people. :thumbsup:

Off-Topic / Re: Men with pierced ears and ear rings
« on: December 11, 2011, 08:13:54 am »Message ID: 459609
I am not into that!  ::) But, I do have many friends and or people that I work around and with that do have pierced ears, and if it suits them and they are happy with it,  :notworthy: who am I to be against them?  :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Re: Copper Penny
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:17:47 am »Message ID: 458166
Sorry about the misprint!  :dontknow: Wishful thinking at the time!  ??? It's been corrected!  ::)

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