I think no matter how we like the old design, and no matter how much comments we put here, all that matters to FC is how they wanted this site to be. I dont know if you guys feels that way but thats how I feel . This is just my opinion.

We've responded to quite a few comments and criticisms and we're open to more. A lot of them fall in the "I just don't like it" category which is difficult to respond to -- what exactly would you change? Keep in mind that FC's old designs kept many prospective members away for it's lack of polish (to to speak).
I agree with what you said because as the Internet and websites "evolve" in their appearances, you kinda need to keep up or get left behind!!
On another note, another member mentioned having a post "freeze", and I had the same thing happen just a little bit ago. Was replying to another member's post, and when I hit the "Post" button, there was an error at the top that said something to the effect that the session had timed out. So, I had to leave that page and try again. If if happens again, I'll take a screen shot next time...never had that happen before. 
Strange - please do! Do you know if you had other forum windows or tabs open at the same time? And which browser was this?
I didn't have any other forum tabs open, but I always open the forum in a new tab aside from the site. I do remember that it was taking me a while to compose my post, so I thought that may have had something to do with it? Never had it happen before though, so I wonder if now that we have a new layout for the forum, could that have something to do with it?? At first, I thought the message was the error message you get when someone else is posting at the same time, but at second glance, it wasn't. I'm using Firefox.
Oh, another thing...and I've already submitted a support ticket about this...how come the earnings banners are not updating correctly? They hadn't been correct here in the forum for a while, but yet it was correct on the "Refer Friends" page and on my blog it was right. Then yesterday, it was reversed...correct here in the forum, but not on the "Refer Friends" page or on my blog. Now today it's back to being wrong here in the forum and correct in the other two locations preciously mentioned.