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Topics - marcee30

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Support / Wha happened
« on: November 05, 2012, 07:19:55 am »Message ID: 635975
 :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: For the past 2 and 1/2 months I have not been receiving Fusion Cash daily emails nor have I been able to the daily offers ???. The paid videos are gone the paid to click are gone. Pretty much every option that was available for me to earn money on here is no longer showing up. I have submitted I think three tickets and have not heard anything yet :BangHead:. I clean my cache delete my cookies I don't have anything deleted or invisible. Could anyone know why this may be still continuing after so long. I have to admit this is the frst real issue I have had with FC

FusionCash / Daily Category
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:36:55 am »Message ID: 627034
 :( Okay so it has been since the Oct 3rd since I have received my daily emails and I don't have the paid to click nor the paid videos anymore  :sad1: . This is where my money comes from :'( . I have submitted a ticket but have not heard anything back from FC ...I always clean my cookies before I log in and I check my emails daily, because like I said this is where my money comes from. Does anyone know why this may still be happening? ???

FusionCash / What happened
« on: September 30, 2012, 12:08:05 pm »Message ID: 613474
??? the last couple of days I have not seen the vidoes or the (15 cent) daily tasks. What happened to them? Is this something that FC does every now again, take the Daily offers away for a little while and then bring them back. If memory serves me well I thought I seen other members on here mention the same thing at one time.

FusionCash / 180 days
« on: September 27, 2012, 01:29:48 pm »Message ID: 612027
This may be a crazy question, but how is the 180 days counted?
Is it from your first credit from the beginning of the month
Or is it from your last cash out date  :confused1:

Support / FusionCash Surveys
« on: September 27, 2012, 12:43:51 pm »Message ID: 611986
Most of the time whne I do a FC survey, when I do 1 and don't qualify and I try to do another it tells me automatically that I did not qualify! Does anyone know why this may happen?

Off-Topic / Cruise
« on: September 27, 2012, 12:31:44 pm »Message ID: 611978
Okay, so I'm getting ready for my trip to the Bahamas. This is my first cruise and wanted to know what kind of clothes do you pack for a cruise?

Offers / Quick .35
« on: September 09, 2012, 06:06:27 pm »Message ID: 602054
Head over to Patient Action Network in the Daily, sign-up quick approval!

Patient's Action Network   2012-09-09   $0.35   Approved

FusionCash / FC surveys
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:50:41 am »Message ID: 601016
I am really trying to figure out why is it when I do one FC survey, when I try to do the other ones, when they open it automatically says that I do not qualify for them. Are they basing the other surveys off the one. But that does not sound right because I have done them before
Can anybody tell me what this is all about

FusionCash / Screenshot of Payment
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:03:13 am »Message ID: 595617
Just want to know when I post my screen shot of my payment does it still count if I don't post the the account info. Down below is usually how I post it so that none other info shows aside form the what was credited. Is this sufficient enough to get the reward?
08/17/2012   ELEC CRDT   FUSIONCASH/DISBU FusionCash       $27.83

Payments / 2nd cashout
« on: August 17, 2012, 04:22:06 pm »Message ID: 589509
This my second cashout with Fc and they paid it 3 days early....always on time Thanks FusionCash
$27.83   2012-07-13   Approved   
» Direct Deposit Transaction ID: 1302549810.
» Fulfillment Status: Credit Originated. Posting date: 2012-08-17.

Payments / On A roll today
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:54:44 pm »Message ID: 587797
Fc is on a roll today, I finally qualified for a survey today...It has been so long since that happens I forget wat it felt like to make something over $2, but I am not complaining. In my situation every like penny counts.
FC Survey DQ Bonus: Movie & TV Panel    2012-08-14   $0.01   Approved
Survey for Women #5   2012-08-14   $2.00   Approved
Paid To Click - 08/14/2012   2012-08-14   $0.15   Approved
Daily Cash Email - 08/14/2012   2012-08-14   $0.02   Approved
Search Reward - 428f38ae   2012-08-14   $0.01   Approved
Search Reward - 40fc69da   2012-08-14   $0.01   Approved
Search Reward - 19a8db25   2012-08-14   $0.01   Approved

Offers / Job2Job survey
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:34:53 pm »Message ID: 586002
if you have not tried this one I recommend that everyone does it is an easy 35 cents plus the offer is great too. They give you simple jobs to do and surveys as well
Jobs2Shop   2012-08-07   $0.35   Approved

Off-Topic / Will it ever happen for me
« on: August 11, 2012, 12:43:32 pm »Message ID: 585982
I have been talking to this guy for a couple of months now, but the thing is he never really has time for me and when he does its always in the middle of the night (grant it he does work from 3-12) but he is off on the weekends and I still hardly see him. I am no ones midnight squeeze . He tells me that he spends a lot of time whit his children, which is fine with me and I don't want to come off as a selfish, but let him tell it his ever waking moment is with his kids, and thats fine I am in no way saying to not spend time with your kids. But something about that just seems a little fishy to me considering they don't stay with him they live with their mom which is where he is going to spend time with them. I have children too and they don't stop me from making a call when I have free time to do so. And hell if you really liked me a phone call is not hard to do. So now I have just come to the conclusion that he is still with this women and I don't want to be part of any drama.
I keep finding all these Mr.Wrongs and this is the first somewhat of an relationship that I have been in since February of last year when my X asked me to help him out of a jam and took this other girl out on my dime (I'm talking a couple of thousand). I have never been married and would love to have that dream come true but only with someone who loves me for real.
They say God brings people into your life for a lifetime and for a season....I just keep getting these seasonal guys. I am done, I am going to find out who I am first love me more and treat me better then deal with these men who mean me no good

thanks for the ear FC :)

Suggestions / Why do we have deadlines for cashing out
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:19:17 am »Message ID: 582177
Just want to know what is the purpose of having deadlines for cashing out when most of the members (myself mainly) don't always qualify for the good paying surveys and we are still logging in doing whatever we can to gain the cents we do get. What if we don't make the cash out amount by the deadline why is payment revoked....when in fact we don't have control over what we qualify for.

Offers / Samplicous Survey
« on: July 08, 2012, 12:35:46 pm »Message ID: 568219
So my son just got finised doing a survey, he askng me why was the question so crazy. Prior to him doing the survey they asked me did I have children and what age are they, I marked girl 12/boy 15. My son said they ased him quetions like --is he a parent, does he rent or own, does have a vehicle and does he have famiy members that work in a specific industries. I would have helped him if I knew they would asks questions like that.  You would think if they asked me to allow my child to do a survey they would have questions geared toward children, what type of polling are they doing that children have kids at 15, rent or own and driving? and the kicker is he didn't even qualify

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