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Topics - dcrotteau

Pages: 1
Payments / Missed My Posting Payment
« on: March 07, 2013, 01:52:14 pm »Message ID: 700621
Aw Shucks, I missed my $30 payment for posting in Feb. by three posts.  Darn! :BangHead:

Payments / Third Cashout
« on: January 17, 2013, 12:56:24 pm »Message ID: 673572
FusionCash, Inc sent you $26.93 USD
   Transaction ID:

Hello Dawn

Just thought you'd like to know FusionCash, Inc sent you $26.93 USD.
Note from sender, FusionCash, Inc:

Cashout 76990 2012-12-20

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   Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.
   Transfer it to your bank account (takes 2-3 days).
   Get a PayPal Debit MasterCard.
Don't see the money in your account?

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Sender Information

FusionCash, Inc


Off-Topic / Todays the Day
« on: January 05, 2013, 08:29:31 am »Message ID: 667064
Today the border war of the Mn. Vikings and the Green Bay Packers is on.  7pm   Go Vikes!!!      :wave:

Support / Question?
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:57:03 pm »Message ID: 660024
How do you highlight someone's message and then attach it to your own?  I'm sure it's something really simple.   :peace:

Off-Topic / The NRA
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:42:11 pm »Message ID: 660018
Who, besides me think that the NRA is off the wall.  Wanting to put armed guards in schools, how crazy is that?  There are already armed guards in many schools across the country, there was even an armed guard at Columbine when that shooting took place.  I don't know what the answer is, but putting armed guards in schools seems a little out there.       :peace:

Off-Topic / Spam
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:16:29 am »Message ID: 626459
I am getting spammed big time.  Not only my computer but my smartphone too.  How do I stop this?  I hope my phone isn't wrecked, it keeps rebooting, so I took the battery out and then put it back in. 
Afraid to turn phone on again.  Does anyone have any ideas?  My son thinks because I belong to survey sites, that's the reason I'm getting spammed. >:( :BangHead: :dontknow:

Off-Topic / Cell Phone Carrier - Do you like them?
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:17:19 am »Message ID: 622387
 Who is your cell phone carrier and do you like them?  Mine is Verizon.  It used to be Alltel and then they were bought out by Verizon.  My bill has gone up by $15, I bought a new smart phone a year ago when it was still Alltel, and now Verizon is telling me I have to buy a new phone because mine will no longer work after January.  I'm really mad about this, because my plan isn't due for renewal until June 2013.  So what they are saying is if I want to have the ability to use a cell phone I must buy a new phone and then they will want me to renew my plan.  I think this is BS and I may switch to another carrier because of the way they treat people.  Oh and when I called about the $15 rise on my bill they said it was because  I had downloaded an app, that was totally a lie and I challenged them on it, they said they would fix it, but they have not, still paying the extra $15. >:(     :peace:

Off-Topic / When is the last time you had a Vacation?
« on: October 09, 2012, 11:31:53 am »Message ID: 619659
When is the last time you had a vacation and where did you go?  Me, I haven't had a real vacation since the mid eighties, we flew out to Colorado.  Beautiful state.  But since then I haven't really been anywhere, boring.   Oh well.   :peace:

Off-Topic / Same Sex Marriage
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:14:11 pm »Message ID: 609065
In Minnesota this year we will be voting on whether or not there should be a change to the constitution stating that Marriage is between a man and a woman.  This morning I got a call from a call bank wondering how I planned on voting.  I told him no I don't think there should be a change to the constitution and that I think gays should be allowed to marry.  Who is it hurting?  And to change the constitution, that's a bit drastic.  I though we were free in this country.  What does everyone else think?    :peace:

Off-Topic / E-Cigarettes
« on: September 03, 2012, 10:09:49 am »Message ID: 598891
This is a question for the people that use e-cigarettes.  Where do you find them and are they very expensive?  Is there any harm in using them?  I am a smoker and have been since about 16, have quit a few times, but keep starting up again.  Plus I live with someone that smokes and it's just about impossible to quit when the smell is still around you all the time.   So any info I could get would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.   :peace:

Off-Topic / RNC
« on: August 30, 2012, 08:42:33 am »Message ID: 596100
Just wondering.  Did anyone watch the Republican National Convention last night?  I didn't, don't like horror shows.   ;) :peace:

Support / Posting a banner
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:41:03 pm »Message ID: 590846
I am trying find out out to post one those banners.  I tried to put it on FB, but just the code showed up.  What am I doing wrong?   ???

Support / Question About Offers
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:22:48 pm »Message ID: 590050
If I sign up for an offer that has a trial period of 4 weeks and then I cancel it will I get paid.  I think I read on here somewhere that it can take up to 65 days for and offer to credit.  If that's so, then if I cancel my offer and it hasn't been credited yet I won't get paid.  Is that correct?
Thanks for any help. :)

Pages: 1