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Topics - Chriskent13

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / The Office vs. Parks and Recreation
« on: August 27, 2017, 09:56:52 pm »Message ID: 1163717
Which show do you like more between The Office and Parks and Recreation?

I am honestly up in the air on this one. I can't decide which one that I like more, but my wife asked me this questions a few days ago and I wanted to throw it out here to hear other people's opinions.

Off-Topic / MMA Fighting
« on: August 26, 2017, 10:27:43 am »Message ID: 1163353
I love watching MMA fighting, but most of the people that I am around think it is barbaric.  What do you think?

I figure that these fighters are training constantly to improve their fighting skills and it isn't like watching a gladiator back in the day because they are choosing to fight instead of being forced to.  Also, they have rules and very few deaths have happened.  There have been many deaths through other sports like soccer, football, and water sports but no one calls those barbaric.


Off-Topic / Political Correctness?
« on: August 09, 2017, 08:42:56 pm »Message ID: 1160440
What are you thoughts on being politically correct?  Should schools teach it to the students?

Off-Topic / Disney Cancelling Partnership with Netflix
« on: August 09, 2017, 08:37:20 pm »Message ID: 1160438
I just found out that Disney will be pulling its content off of Netflix and starting their own streaming services by 2019.  For me this is a little frustrating because now I am going to have to pay for two services instead of one. 

How do you all feel about Disney's decision?  Will you subscribe to Disney's services and Netflix?

Off-Topic / Gordan Hayward Discussion
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:00:24 pm »Message ID: 1158102
Alright, I am a huge Jazz fan, and I want to open up a discussion with other's that are basketball fans especially with either Jazz or Celtics fans. 

I am definitely bummed about losing Hayward, but my question to Celtics fans is, do you think that with Hayward you now have what it takes to beat the Cavs?  I am not asking this in a condescending way, I actually want to know the general thought about the Celtics chance of winning now that they have another All-Star? 

Off-Topic / Though About My Profession
« on: July 30, 2017, 09:23:53 am »Message ID: 1157807
I am a CPA who works on financial statement audits and 401(k) audits.  I am wondering, is there anyone out here that has worked with auditors, and if you have, what has been your experience.  Do you just dread the fact that they are at your office, or do you find that we are not as bad as you would expect. 

Obviously, my client's are probably acting like they like us more than they actually do, but I am looking for some honest feedback. 

P.S. I am not an IRS auditor and do nothing with taxes.

Off-Topic / Cat Help!
« on: July 22, 2017, 05:09:41 pm »Message ID: 1156275
I have a cat that pukes all the time and has started peeing on my shoes and carpet.  Have any of you had a cat that did this and what have you done to fix the problem.  I've tried the following:

1. Changed cat diet'
2. Gave hairball medicine
3. Gave probiotic
4. Clean litter every two to three days
5. Buzzed her hair
6. Brushed her hair

Off-Topic / Average work week?
« on: July 22, 2017, 05:03:23 pm »Message ID: 1156272
At my job, my company expects me to work between 250 and 300 hours overtime each year.  I've already surpassed the 300 hour mark and am no where near being done working over time. 

I am just curious, what is your average weekly hours worked per week?  And do what kind of benefits do you get?

Off-Topic / What are Your Personal Investing Strategies?
« on: July 22, 2017, 04:54:02 pm »Message ID: 1156270
I am a new investor using the Robinhood App on my phone, but I am not sure if I should do day trading or focus more on a long term strategy. 

What have you all found to be the best method for you?  And, do you think the market is going to drop again like it did in 2008 because if it is, I should probably wait until it does that before I buy a bunch of stock and then they just tank.

Right now people can get a free stock using that app, but I don't have anyone that I know that I can refer, so that method of investing won't work.

Any suggestions will help!

Pages: 1