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Messages - squirrelgirl44

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 297
Payment Pictures / My $34.90 PayPal cashout payment
« on: August 31, 2019, 11:05:16 am »Message ID: 1290736

This image was posted automatically.

Offers / Re: bonus denied
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:09:55 am »Message ID: 1288190
Wow, I have never actually had a bonus denied. Glad my ones weren't denied because I finally have enough to cash out after nearly three months and I can be done with this site, lol.

Offers / Re: TAP is now ok
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:09:07 am »Message ID: 1288189
That is not necessarily true for everyone... this morning TAP was still not paying for DQ's until I was able to qualify and complete one.

Offers / Re: 1/2 cent videos
« on: August 06, 2019, 07:41:43 am »Message ID: 1287325
I haven't seen those in years. I'd gladly take them back since I'm lucky to have one video a week. $7 until my next (and will be my last) cash out with FC. Waste of time for me with no offers.

Payments / Re: Final Reminder
« on: July 31, 2019, 01:58:50 pm »Message ID: 1286353
Not even close to cashing out. Again. Stuck at just over $17 for the month and not super optimistic about next month either. Last two weeks combined only earned a little over $2. Wasting way too much time here.

Offers / Re: Quickly reached minimum
« on: July 30, 2019, 12:19:53 pm »Message ID: 1286166
OK, now I have attached a picture of the DQ in Tap Research.  Does that look like a credited 1 cent DQ?  Enlarge the picture and you will see.

No. You are not getting a 1c DQ if you get that message. That's what I get when I try TAP.

Off-Topic / Re: phone service.
« on: July 25, 2019, 07:13:18 am »Message ID: 1285541
I definitely use my phone a lot when I am in the city or at work. When I travel I use it only as a camera. Most recently my daughter and I spent 10 days in Germany & Poland and we were fine being off the grid.

Offers / Re: Worst week yet...
« on: July 24, 2019, 09:56:26 am »Message ID: 1285468
And for surveys - this is what my page has looked like for a year. Peanut does not credit. TAP has not been giving me DQ credit for EVER, and I can't seem to complete a single one. The only FC credits I get the penny DQ for are the ones that I receive by email. They are never available to me from the page.

Seriously, am I the only one with NOTHING TO DO TO EARN?

Tasks don't credit for me either.

Offers / Re: Worst week yet...
« on: July 24, 2019, 09:54:48 am »Message ID: 1285466
This is all I have available in videos:

Top Coupons doesn't give credit
Free Printable coupons doesn't open, just loads and loads
Discover New Content tells me I've already completed.

Offers / Worst week yet...
« on: July 24, 2019, 09:51:37 am »Message ID: 1285465
I think I'm done with FC after cashing out what I have. Spending an hour a day trying to earn 15 cents (and not being able to) is not a great use of my time. I'd rather stick with sites that actually have offers that pay!  ::) ::)

Offers / Re: Trying to make my 5 cents
« on: July 24, 2019, 06:40:51 am »Message ID: 1285453
Y'all are lucky that you have these coupon and video fox offers. I don't have any of those. I keep checking in every day, but FC will be the first to drop off my gpt sites because I can't earn crap here anymore!

Offers / Re: Got Error Page At End of PTC
« on: July 24, 2019, 06:39:01 am »Message ID: 1285452
I would not worry about it if you got credit. Having only been able to do ptc twice in the last 10 days I can't check. Still need 3c ... no videos & no surveys. FC is super sucking lately!!

Off-Topic / Re: Trying to Quit Smoking
« on: July 23, 2019, 11:26:25 am »Message ID: 1285375

I smoked at least a pack a day for maybe 11-12 years and tried other methods first and never made it longer than a few weeks before relapsing.

I quit smoking using Chantix nearly twelve years ago. It was very expensive at the time and not covered by any sort of insurance. I think I smoked a few days after I started taking it and like they advertise, you just "lose" the taste/interest in it.

I did NOT have any adverse side effects. I took full dose for the first month and weaned myself off it within a few months. I have NEVER relapsed. December 1 will mark my 12 years quit.

You can do this! I think the first step is actually WANTING to quit. Also important is motivators (like moving near family) and having a support system.

(Edited to add after reading comments - I was still married when I made the decision to quit and my husband still smoked. We never smoked in the house/car, so it wasn't a big issue. We separated and divorced within a year of quitting. It can be hard if you are constantly around other smokers, but stay strong!)

Off-Topic / Re: Could you really tell the difference ?
« on: July 23, 2019, 11:24:35 am »Message ID: 1285374
I am probably one of the last remaining people on earth that could not care less about that in a tv. I also don't need a sound system. I have had my same flat screen TV since I got divorced 10 years ago. I have no intention of getting a new one until this one breaks. And even then, I'll get the cheapest one of similar size.

Off-Topic / Re: Another site shutting down!
« on: July 22, 2019, 07:03:02 am »Message ID: 1285177
FC has not been my top earning site for about a year now (ever since all my survey options were revoked). I still try every day, but there are just no offers and TAP does not DQ credit me. Cashcrate was my secondary site before they shut down. I still do Inbox Dollars. I started Treasure Trooper after Cashcrate shut down and I have already earned over $140. Cashout threshold is $20 and they do PayPal, usually get around the same time of month as FC.

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