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Messages - ktheodos

Pages: 1 ... 377 378 379
Off-Topic / Re: Who still rents movies or do you download them?
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:13:25 pm »Message ID: 129934
Rent them-I use Netflix..great service...such a good deal...I highly recommend it-downloading just creates too much clutter/hassle, etc...

Off-Topic / Re: Any Idol Fans?
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:10:37 pm »Message ID: 129933
Honestly, I wasn't much of an Idol fan, but now that one of the contestants is a girl from my HS (she made it
to the next round!!), I'm a bit more, with all the talk about Simon leaving, I figured I might check out some of it....

Off-Topic / Computers
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:06:41 pm »Message ID: 129932
These are common questions, but since people are using computers to ask this site, I figured I mine as well

    What are people using as:
1) Brand of computer (Dell, Apple, etc.)
2) Type of computer (laptop, desktop)
3) Internet browser (firefox, safari, etc.)

  My answers:
1) MacBookPro (Apple)
2) Laptop
3) Safari

Off-Topic / Haiti
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:29:42 pm »Message ID: 129924
I'm sure everyone has heard the news about Haiti by now, and although the last thing I want to do is bring more gloomy news, I thought it was important to start a thread on such a recent topic.  I know it's got me thinking about a lot of things-I'm praying for the country as well as thankful for so many things, especially the people who have responded so quickly and so bravely.  I also find it interesting that disasters can be so ironic and eye-opening. They always seem to hit the countries that are the most vulnerable (i.e.: New Orleans)-almost as a way of getting to people to respond who normally wouldn't respond before.  It's interesting how it always take a disaster for people to take notice of things.  It also makes me wonder how much better this world could be if people were as generous during times when disasters AREN'T happening as they are when the world seems to be falling apart.

Off-Topic / Re: What would you rather have?
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:19:28 pm »Message ID: 129922
Interesting question-My first instinct would be to say laptop, but after thinking about it, I'm not sure-I think it depends on what type of phone or laptop, because some phones have laptop capabilities while also being much smaller, portable, cheaper (and less likely to break down/break, etc.).  At the same time, you can use the laptop to communicate in more ways than a typical cell phone (and its easier to do non-talking tasks on a laptop) while still being able to use skype if you want to talk. Overall, keeping my analysis simple/realistic, I would probably say still laptop, although the battle between the two is close!

Off-Topic / Re: Over or Under
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:10:01 pm »Message ID: 129917
lol...i honestly don't know...I'll have to pay attention next time...
usually, the question is: do you fold or crumple your toilet paper?
What's people's responses to that one......

Off-Topic / Re: Tiger Woods....
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:05:18 pm »Message ID: 129914
I think both the media and Tiger himself made the issue a circus.  Obviously, Tiger put himself
in the situation that brought on the negative publicity, but of course, the media always makes a bigger deal if it's a celebrity or could increase viewings.  As always though, headlines move on (think about MJ this summer, etc...).  I just wish media would sometimes take more positive viewpoints/stories-it's no wonder that there's so much negativity in the world-I bet if news was more positive, the world would be more positive-people are influenced by their environments, right?

Off-Topic / Re: Facebook or MySpace
« on: January 14, 2010, 05:42:24 pm »Message ID: 129877
I didn't actually intend to have facebook or myspace, but my friend created
my facebook account, so I've stuck at it....I'm probably on it more than I should
but I'm getting better, and I'm starting to find it more useful in keeping in touch
with people ...I just have to not let it distract me... :P

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