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Topic: Flu Season Strategies  (Read 1980 times)


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2019, 12:12:38 pm »
Hey, countrygirl12. With all due respect, I said people ought to stay at home but they don't always do that. I have been guilty of going to work sick but I took extra precautions against spreading it along. Staying home is ideal, but I know that people cannot always do that. It is just the ideal. You said yourself that all you employees plus the customers passed it back and forth, which kind of proves my point.

And your statement that most people who get the flu shot is patently untrue. It is a very common myth. The vaccine does not cause the illness. The virus in the vaccine is not active and an inactive virus cannot transmit disease. The people who sometimes feel sick after the vaccination may be feeling their immune response working. Also, if they have actually contracted the flu, it may be that they had it prior to the vaccination or they are experiencing flu from another strain of flu since they vaccinate with the current strain that is going around at the time. They also could be confusing a bad cold for the flu since sometimes the symptoms are similar.

Getting the vaccination and avoiding the flu can avoid any subsequent flu-related complications due to your body working hard to fight the flu and becoming weakened, such as pneumonia which can be deadly. And people with other compromised immune systems (older people, people on chemotherapy, young children) might experience those complications as well.

I personally get the vaccine because I live with someone with heart disease and I don't want to compromise his health if I should contract the flu. Otherwise, I might not get it.

I firmly believe that vaccinations are one of the reasons why we do not experience the horrible epidemics and pandemics that used be to be around. I don't think we should discourage people from getting them. Just my take on it. Don't mean to offend anyone.

I am going by FACT.  Every person that I know who got that shot last year got the flu.  Several got sick right after getting the shot.  Yeah yeah, I know they were already getting sick.  Bull.  There is always an excuse from the ones who are all for all these vaccines.  And again, I have no problem with people taking the flu shot.  I do have a problem with people trying to force it on me.  If they have the shot then even if I had the flu they can't get it from me because they had the shot.   ;D

If you want to take the shot then by all means take the shot.  Like I said before I have never had the shot and never had the flu.  Yes, the year I worked retail in the winter we all stayed sick.  We had NO choice but to come to work.  You can't stay at home because you have a cold. And most of us got sick from CUSTOMERS who came in the store sick. You would be surprised at the idiots who walk around coughing and sneezing and do not cover their mouth.

The people I referred to having the flu actually HAD THE FLU.  They went to the doctor and was told they had the flu.  Of course I think doctors just say that sometimes because around here they do not even do a test half the time.  They diagnose by symptoms.

I did miss a couple of days last year when I was too sick to stand up.  But you cannot call in for a snotty stuffed up nose or cough. Another reason I would love to work full time from home. I don't have to be around people.

Most of the childhood vaccines I had I do not have any problem with.  Now when you start telling me I need them again I am not sure I would run get it.  I don't know.

I think you took my comments too personal.  I hear people all the time saying if you are sick you need to stay home.  I am just pointing out that is not possible.  People have to work.  Even if they want to call in most people do not have sick days and if they do call in they will be fired if they do not go to the doctor.  Not sure how you can go to the doctor and spend more than a week paycheck for them to say get rest and drink orange juice. 


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2019, 12:15:06 pm »
I don't get the fllu shot.  I know too many people who get sick after getting one and I don't usually get the flu, although I did last year.  I know, the shot doesn't make you sick but, I still see people getting sick after getting the shot so say what you will, I don't really want it.  I make elderberry syrup and that helps a lot.  I take 1 or 2 cloves of garlic a day.  I'm not around a lot of people except on Sunday at church but, my husband often brings stuff home and my granddaughter is staying with us through the school year and brings stuff home.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2019, 09:21:24 pm »
I dont trust the flu shot, so i never get one.I just dont touch my face and wash my hands offten.I havent had the flu in a long time.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2019, 09:47:25 pm »
I take vitamins, wash my hands at work because I come in contact with a lot of people.  I try to keep my immune system as healthy as I can.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2019, 09:51:36 am »
I went ahead and got a flu shot this year because my insurance covered it and offered an incentive so I said why not. Between flu shots and washing her hands as soon as she gets home, my grandma insists she hasn't had a cold or flu since the 80's. I haven't been so lucky..
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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2019, 10:04:44 am »
I take vitamin C, drink extra water, wash hands more frequently, and use hand sanitizer regularly.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2019, 12:32:12 pm »
I have not taken the flu shot in years.  I have had too many reactions to all types of drugs, enough to convince me that I'm the 1% mentioned on the side effects' label!  I've also had several personal friends who have had severe adverse reactions to the flu shot and also the pneumonia shot.  My go to for prevention is energy medicine.  There is so much you can do by keeping your energy meridians flowing correctly.  One exercise I recommend is "Connecting Heaven and Earth."  It has been known to chase off a cold or the flu if you catch your symptoms early enough.  I also use essential oils.  Along with avoiding public places during flu season, all these things work for me.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2019, 12:42:55 pm »
I don't get it just because....  I take all kinds of vitamin year round and thank the Lord I have not caught the Flu.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2019, 02:27:56 pm »
I haven't been sick in years I haven't had the shot in years. I'm not afraid of going out of the house I do that quite often. Sorry but the flu shot to me is a risk because I've seen way too many articles of people dieing from it


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2019, 02:32:29 pm »
I  always get my flu shot, work around a lot of  people who don't. And with an  auto-immune disease it is a must for me.  I have never gotten  sick with a flu shot and hope I don't. But I have had the flu and it was not nice. I would rather  get the shot.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2019, 03:14:44 pm »
Hey, countrygirl12. With all due respect, I said people ought to stay at home but they don't always do that. I have been guilty of going to work sick but I took extra precautions against spreading it along. Staying home is ideal, but I know that people cannot always do that. It is just the ideal. You said yourself that all you employees plus the customers passed it back and forth, which kind of proves my point.

And your statement that most people who get the flu shot is patently untrue. It is a very common myth. The vaccine does not cause the illness. The virus in the vaccine is not active and an inactive virus cannot transmit disease. The people who sometimes feel sick after the vaccination may be feeling their immune response working. Also, if they have actually contracted the flu, it may be that they had it prior to the vaccination or they are experiencing flu from another strain of flu since they vaccinate with the current strain that is going around at the time. They also could be confusing a bad cold for the flu since sometimes the symptoms are similar.

Getting the vaccination and avoiding the flu can avoid any subsequent flu-related complications due to your body working hard to fight the flu and becoming weakened, such as pneumonia which can be deadly. And people with other compromised immune systems (older people, people on chemotherapy, young children) might experience those complications as well.

I personally get the vaccine because I live with someone with heart disease and I don't want to compromise his health if I should contract the flu. Otherwise, I might not get it.

I firmly believe that vaccinations are one of the reasons why we do not experience the horrible epidemics and pandemics that used be to be around. I don't think we should discourage people from getting them. Just my take on it. Don't mean to offend anyone.

I agree with almost everything you said.  I also get the shot because I now work at an Adult/Child Day Care and do not want to catch it or pass it along.  I know lots of people who get the flu shot and do not and have not gotten sick.  I think that is just an old wives tale.  I also have not found a lot of places that are giving out free shots, but it could be they are out there.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2019, 07:57:38 pm »
Handwashing, flu shot, and stay away from sick people.  I have a compromised immune system, so I have to be extra careful.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2019, 10:14:42 am »
Always wash your hands! Often! I got the flu shot for the first time last year and did not have any bad side effects so I may get it again this year.


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2019, 11:13:39 am »
The flu shot is designed to build antibodies, but there are diffferent strains of flu every yeard so the CDC essentially makes an educated guess on what strains will be current the upcoming season.  The reasoning behind these shots is not only to help prevent the person who receives it from getting sick, but for those with compromised or weak immune sysyems.  Getting the flu shot is also supposed to help prevent you getting as sick as you would if you hadn't received any shot at all.  I have received a flu shot for nearly 20 years now and not had the flu once.  Don't confuse a cold with the flu.  They are not the same!

The cold is not the flu!! I think you are right ppl think they have the flu but really its just a bad cold! also try not to get the flu shot if you are starting to feel sick you will just get really sick!


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Re: Flu Season Strategies
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2019, 11:28:39 am »
I've gotten the flu shot twice in my life, my employer offers them for free every year -- I've gotten sick both times after it. So I don't get them any longer.  I feel I might try again when I get older, but not now.  I have seen coworkers have their arm hurt terribly after getting the flu shot... but out of all the people that get the shot it is just a minuscule amount of people whose arms hurt.

I took my father to get a flu shot at Kaiser, I waited for him outside to avoid touching anything or breathing anything that might get me sick inside.  That's about all I do as part of my flu season strategies -- that & washing my hands frequently & using liberally using sanitizer while out & about

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