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Messages - liljp617

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Debate & Discuss / Re: Are people who are Childfree selfish?
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:20:28 pm »Message ID: 206632
I am a 40 year old childless woman and have been married happily for 6 years. I am happy that I don't have any children and I don't think that I am selfish for not adding to the worlds population. Why would I want to bring a child into this world with all the war, hate, crime and economic instability. There was a time in my life when I wanted to have a child, but a fight with cancer took that chance away. Today I am glad that I don't have children and the wish to have them does not exist anymore. I have 3 very sweet and loving cats and to me they are my children. They are less expensive that human children. I don't have to worry about forking out thousands of dollars to feed and clothe them each year and I don't have to worry about how can I afford to send them to college.

Ummmm... the topic is if you consider it selfish to not have kids. You said it isn't then listed several selfish reason that you don't.

err no, she didn't really

Debate & Discuss / Re: How did Global Warming become a Christian issue?
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:31:35 am »Message ID: 206450
Well shoot!  How could dozens upon dozens of Ph.D-holding mathematicians, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists have made such a simple mathematical error!?  Back to the lab it is, and let's check the basic math this time ya dumb scientists -.-

Humans are in the genus homo, which is estimated to be roughly 2.3-2.4 million years old.  A species of the genus homo is homo sapiens, which would have resembled modern humans quite a lot (only about 3/4 the brain size however) -- estimated around 500,000 years.  No informed person holds to 200,000 as being the estimated time humans began walking Earth -- that is the estimated time frame for homo sapiens sapiens, which are dubbed a sub-species of homo sapiens (within the genus homo) because they're anatomically modern humans.  Humans, as a species, have been on this planet much longer than 200,000 years.

It merey shows that education, in and of itsself, does not equal common sense. The simple math does not fit. I noticed how you didn't directly respond to the argument. Instead, you used another logical fallacy: Misuse of authority - this is an attempt to prove a conclusion by appealing to a real or alleged authorty in such a way that the conclusion does not follow. In other words, so what if many PhD holding people believe in evolution - the facts still must be proved. Anyone reading your response will notice how you do not demonstrate with a single bit of evidence where my math was wrong. Actually, it was wrong in a very specific sense. I kept giving the atheists the benefit of a doubt. The reality is that my numbers should have been much higher. I hope your reponses begin to really engage in the arguments.

Fair enough.  Let's talk then...

Oh reallly... modern humans have been around for 2000,00 years. Yet, we have only about 6 Billion people on this planet. Talk about a mathe problem! WoW!

Heh, seriously?  People thousands of years ago were not scientifically equipped for all manner of diseases, plagues, droughts, and other ills...therefore, populations were very much at risk for having large numbers wiped out.  The explosion of population we see now is the direct result of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions, which didn't happen until the 17th-19th centuries!  Also the amount of progress we are expected to have in the 21st century alone is equivalent to 20,000 years worth of progress that came before it.

For someone who claims to have Ph.D's, I'm surprised you would say something so silly!

Mocking others before you present any facts is like advertizing for something you have never seen. You may end up looking foolish!

1. I did not know that scientifically equipping was the criteria for survival? This sounds a bit contradictory at the least.
2. Arbitrarily inserting the idea that large numbers were wiped out without any evidence is a mythical mindset. Not only have you not presented what "large numbers" really mean, but you also have not provided anything that is valid. This seems like a philosophical, faith based message, IMHO.
3. Here, let me help you: Let us take your theory concerning the timeframe for humans as 200,000 years (this number is quite arbitrary, but many evolutionists [not all] believe it).

So, the question can be asked, "how long does it take for the population to double? If one were to invest $100 in the bank at 7% interest per year, it would take 10 years for this to double - $200.00. It would take another 10 years for that to double - $400.00. So, for the sake of argument, let us take two people and double their number. We won't count twins, etc... In normal circumstances, this would take a little less than 2 years. How long would it take these 4 people to double their number if all things are normal? Another 20 or 30 years? [excursus: the reality is that the first couple could have children every year, which would double the population in 4 years, and in by 8 more years the population would double again. However, we are giving the evolutionists the benefit of the doubt] To help the evolutionists again, we will propose that it takes 150 years for the population to double. This means that after 150 years after one couple procreated, 8 people existed. Now, let us ask a silly question: "How long would it take for the initial population of the two to become 6.7 billion people? It would only take 4,800 years! This is simple math, and is only meant to show how evolution does not "add up!"

Now, let us pretend that "??" evolved to be a human 200,000 years. Of course, to give the benefit of the doubt to the evolutionists again, we will pretend that two have evolved at the same time. So, we will start with one couple. Now, let us really help the evolutionist's cause. Let us say that the each couple only lived 150 years (btw, using 150 years gives the evolutionist a great mathematical advantage), but only had 4 children during those 150 years. So, this would mean that every time the population doubled, 25% would die. So, you start off with 2 people. They have 4 people. These 4 people have 16. However, 25% leave because of attrition. This leaves 12. Let us really help the evolutionist and say that another 50% die because of famine, disease, war etc... every generation from the beginning of man's existence. Now, you have 6 people living at the end of the first 300 years. These 6 have 4 children each. This is 24, but again, attrition takes 25%, leaving them 18. 50% die, leaving them 12. So, in 450 years, there are only 12 people. So, instead of double each generation, they are only adding. It takes them 900 years to double. Now, take 200,000 and divide it by 900 years for each doubling. You will come up with 222 doublings by the year this year. This means that all one needs to do is double the population on the calculator 222 times. Just doubling it 30 times will bring the population to 6.4 Billion. Ok, let us help the evolutionist out some more. Let us say that there was a major catastrophe that took place after 30 doublings. Only 10% live! That would be 6.4 million. We go back to doubling the population every 900 years. After 30 doublings, we now have 675539943986144 in population. Ok, let us help the evolutionist again. Another big catastrophe! This time only one couple lives. So, we start over, and it takes 900 years to double in population again. Now remember, for 200,000 years to pass by, we need to double 222 times. We have only done it 30 doublings. We have over 200 left. Ok, let us help them out some more, we have two or three more catastrophes, and we are left with one couple again. This time it is about 27,000 years ago. All the criteria is the same. We are only allowed to double every 900 years. Oh no - our calculations tell us that we have over 6.4 billion people on the earth again. Who came up with this 200,000 mythical number anyway?

For those who want to think deeper about this:

a) populations do not grow in a similar exponential manner as you suggest. You're completely ignoring those who die - quite a thing to ignore. In fact any animal population grows according to the basic difference equation:
N(y+1) = N(y)*F(1-N(y))
where N(y+1) is the population next year, N(y) is the population this year, F is the fecundity (ie a measure of how randy and how fertile the population is). N(y) = 1 is the maximum population. N(y)=0 is extinction.

The important thing to note is the 1-N(y) - this represents natural limits on the population. These include resources and other environmental factors (availability of food, shelter etc). As the population rises (ie as N(y) gets bigger) then the growth factor slows down (1-N(y) gets closer to 0). This is obvious - increased competition for finite resources.

b) What is this nonsense about each couple 'only' lasting 150 years? Do you know any 150 year old couples? Neither does this 'give the evolutionist an advantage' - it is just fantasy. By saying that people live to 150 you are in fact allowing the population to increase more rapidly, not less rapidly. In fact the early hominids probably had a lifespan of 20 years or so. Even in the 17th century the average lifespan of a human was not much more than 30.

c) You completely ignore 'minimum survival' limits. Below a certain size all the energy of the group must go into foraging for food - this means that any children born are a drag on the survival of the group which in turn means pressure to limit population. You might think the thing to do would be to breed like mad to get more people to gather more food - but in the 6-10 years it takes to raise the children the group will have died out. This is one reason that we see populations go up and down like crazy. This is well known and can be observed in the lab with such specimens as the fruit fly (a favourite for this type of research because they are very short lived, thus you can breed a lot of generations in a short time).

d) We don't actually need to guess - we have pretty good data for human population numbers over the last couple of thousand years - the Romans were great census takers. It is estimated that just over 55 million people lived in the combined eastern and western Roman Empire (CE 300–400).
The Plague of Justinian caused Europe's population to drop by around 50% between 541 and the 700s. By 1340 Europe had a population of about 70 million and the world population is estimated at somewhere between 420 and 460 million. By 1400 the black plague reduced this by 100 million or so back to around 350 million.

It is only with the advent of the city that populations really started to climb (say around 7000 years ago). Before that the population scraped along pretty static - just as we see with modern primates. Even in virgin forest you do not get an explosion of chimp numbers, because the environment will only support so many and because of the high natural loss.

In short you're spouting nonsense based on a lack of understanding of population dynamics and simple maths.  The "simple math" doesn't work, because you're understanding of the simple math is incorrect.  Once you posit that a factor (be it population or whatever) grows in an exponential manner then, by definition, it will grow massively after a short period. Consider the story of the peasant who does a service for the emperor. The emperor asks the peasant what he would like as a reward. The peasant points to a chess board and says -

'Highness, put one grain of rice on the first square. Now put 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth and continue until you have filled all the squares. I will take that as my reward.'

The emperor instructs the vizier to do this small thing. The vizier returns after a few hours and speaks to his majesty thus:
'Your highness, you are bankrupt and still our debt is unpaid.'
2^64 grain of rice is more rice than the entire world has ever grown or ever will grow.

One of two things is going on here: you don't know what you're talking about or you do know and you're being purposely dishonest.  Either way, I don't particularly care.  Your positions have yet to seem genuine to me in any thread and I know trolling/flamebaiting when I see it.

Debate & Discuss / Re: 100 Reasons why Evolution is Stupid
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:13:43 am »Message ID: 206440
The dude isn't sitting in jail because what he was teaching was wrong (well not in a direct way), I don't know what his situation is but he may be in jail (in a indirect way) for what he was teaching.

No, what he "teaches" is wrong because even the most basic of facts, backed by libraries of observational, reasonable evidence, disagree with him.

He's in jail because, let's be honest again, he scammed people out of their money and then knowingly evaded tax laws on the basis that "everything he owns belongs to God," so he doesn't have to pay taxes.  Humorous to say the least.

It's a common thing for someone to start teaching Bible based facts, outrage others, and then have a group decide this person needs to be stopped by any means possible ...which then brings accusations to surface (sometimes true, many times fabricated), death threats, etc.   (It seems that if a Christian begins  preaching/teaching a message that is Bible based and not designed to just please the's never long before the "investigations" begin, the criticism, the accusations of fraud & scandal, etc. I realize noone is perfect, and some "leaders" have really screwed up but I find it difficult to believe that there can be such a high number. It does seem something "fishy" is going on.  It's also "funny" that preachers that just preach to please the masses (those that aren't actually accomplishing anything) are never questioned.

There is no conspiracy to put him in jail, which is what it seems you're implying may be the case.  He has openly admitted to the accusations, dubbing himself a "tax protester."  He has tried every loophole in the book to get around taxation on his "earnings," because he is greedy and deluded.  He got caught, tough luck.  Break the law, do the time.

Scientists that believe the Bible:    

List of 100 Bible believing scientists:   These too are considered to be among the world's most intelligent mathematicians, physicists, paleontologists, archaeologists, biologists, anthropologists, geologists.  They too made it their life goal and career to research.

The first two lists consist of almost nothing but scientists from the 1800s and prior (at a glance, I think there's 4-5 that lived into the early 1900s).  Darwin's account of evolution by natural selection was not even made formal until 1859, and it took decades, up to the 1930s through the 1950s, for the proposal to be combined with other solidifying discoveries -- the importance of Mendel's work was not discovered and put in context until the early 20th century, the modern structure of DNA and its relation to RNA and protein synthesis wasn't formally proposed until 1952, for examples.  Modern evolutionary theory has only been around for 60-70 years...of course the guy doing alchemy in 1615 wouldn't care about it.  Even those in the 1800s who showed opposition to the proposals did so on the basis of an extremely tiny piece of the big picture, which has been continuously unveiled over the recent decades.

Scientists were religious then, because there was hardly a legitimate alternative.  The evidence supporting modern science in this field simply wasn't there; hell, many of the proposals weren't even in place yet or their importance was overlooked until the early/mid-1900s when biology became a legitimate field of science and scientists began fitting the pieces of numerous discoveries together.  Never mind the stronghold the Church had over society throughout much of that time -- no desire to even get into that.  .

The third list has more modern scientists.  I have never claimed science doesn't have theists working within it -- they are individuals capable of separating their religion from their work.  They very, very rarely come out and openly state a scientific theory is plain false and they rarely set out to prove their religious beliefs with their scientific research.  They may critique or criticize, which is to be expected as that is what science is about. They're, more often than not, scientists when they walk into the lab and theists when they walk out.  No big deal.

Atheist or theist is irrelevant to me on this discussion -- good science is good science.  Good science backed by extraordinary credentials is even better.  Good science backed by huge numbers of people with extraordinary credentials is even better than that.  Hovind lacks in all these categories.  His understanding of even the basics of the scientific topics he lectures about is terribly bad and his credentials are worse.  He's a crock out to get people's money.  Sadly he was largely successful, raking in millions of dollars over the years between his lectures and his theme park, and will probably be successful upon his sentence ending.

Debate & Discuss / Re: Medicinal Marijuana
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:10:35 pm »Message ID: 206311
Should be legalized completely, with similar regulations to alcohol.  The prohibition of drugs has done nothing in this country except create a massive black market, contribute to the spread of crime/violence, and cost tax payers ridiculously insane amounts of money unnecessarily.  Never mind that the origin of all drug laws in the US (especially marijuana and cocaine) is plain racism and xenophobia.  Combine that with lobbying from people such as cotton growers, propaganda, and corruption of lawmakers and you get a nice story that has brought us here.

Though the thought of the government or any other big wigs using growth hormones on the buds. So there could be a downfall on this. Legalize even the slightest bit and we have to worry what is going into the plants we smoke. Makes you think a little huh?

You mean to say you would be more worried about its growth if it were legalized and regulated as compared to now...where people can lace it with whatever they please without any possible repercussion?

Debate & Discuss / Re: 100 Reasons why Evolution is Stupid
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:58:16 pm »Message ID: 206304
rwdeese: Enjoyed the video, evolution was stupid when it was taught in school...even more stupid today.  Kent Hovind is and excellent speaker regardless of his educational credentials & personal history ( if anyone doesn't think so then they should be showing some actual proof that what he was teaching is, in fact, wrong...otherwise  :-X).    ps: regardless of "not pompous" vs. "pompous"... I think if God tried all these FC forum posts by fire, yours would be the ones that remain unscorched.   Blessings!

The facts are there and they're backed by countless of the world's most intelligent mathematicians, physicists, paleontologists, archaeologists, biologists, anthropologists, geologists, etc. etc.  I'm expected to take the word of a man with, let's call them what they are, laughably fake college degrees in a field that has absolutely nothing to do with scientific study over people who have made it their life goal and career to research and reason with these theories?  I'm supposed to take the word of a guy whose best argument against the Big Bang Theory is "it's just stupid" when it's backed by decades of mathematical and physical evidence along with the rest of the strong theoretical reasoning?

I don't have the patience to do a line-by-line critique of all the faults he made in these videos.  I know others on Youtube have critiqued some of his lectures line by line.  I can't waste my time arguing with a man who's sitting in jail.  The information is at the fingertips of anyone who wants to see it, and you don't have to go too in-depth into either theory to see Hovind spread blatant misinformation...he cracks apart at the very basic details (saying the Theory of Evolution proposes life arose from a rock, for one small example).

Debate & Discuss / Re: An Atheists prayer ;)
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:39:07 pm »Message ID: 206296
Who in the world cares if something is offensive?  Grow some thicker skin and get a sense of humor.  If you're offended by something this minuscule and unimportant you definitely need to get out of the house more.  Offending people and being offended is part of life.

Nothing in this thread is offensive anyway's satire and silliness.  It's comedy.  Open your brain, laugh.  In fact, if you laugh I'm sure you'll get more oxygen.  Might feel good every once in a while.

Debate & Discuss / Re: 100 Reasons why Evolution is Stupid
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:57:25 pm »Message ID: 206195
yes, the first video was too good to pass on watching the rest in the series! i'm watching them now  8)

:( :( :(  See, RW, this is what I was talking about.  You've baited this poor, good woman with your insane thread topic and muddied her mind by getting her to watch a video series made by a proven fool.

I would say there are points that I disagree with Mr Hovind, but generally speaking, he has many solid arguments. I would say I disagree with his conspiracy theories as well. I also disagree with how he has conducted his personal life. However, on the last note, I would probably disagree with the personal lives of many people here. You see, truth is truth, even if an insane man speaks it. If an insane person tells a child that beef comes from a cow, does that invalidate the truth of the statement? No!

Except he doesn't speak the truth, because he wouldn't know where to start.  And I'm quite certain there are multiple video responses on Youtube that take this video apart piece by piece and explain its faults (don't recall if it's these videos or others from Hovind).  If not, there are countless websites and books that do.  A high school biology book would do him well, to be honest.

If he wants to yap about the Bible, cool; he has somewhat of a degree in that (emphasis on somewhat).  If he wants to critique a scientific theory backed by dozens upon dozens of the most intelligent, educated, informed biologists to walk the planet, he better damn well have the credentials to back it up.  But he doesn't...he has years of breaking laws and taking millions of dollars of people's money to hear bogus lectures.

Debate & Discuss / Re: Militant Atheists
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:48:03 pm »Message ID: 206186
Respect a persons beliefs as you respect your own.
That's a lovely idea marieelissa, but it's not the way the world functions in reality - and actually for valid reason. If you think that your beliefs are the complete and unadulterated truth then it is impossible to respect beliefs that are the opposite of that.
  It's not impossible to show people some respect regardless of what they believe it? 

I think the word respect is thrown around all too often in places it doesn't really belong.  A more fitting word would be "tolerance" in this context.  The term respect often carries with it undertones of high-regard, honor, or high-esteem.  Respect is often earned, rather than simply given to whomever calls for it.

The question is, why should I respect your specific beliefs?  I have no respect for numerous beliefs -- I have no respect for the belief that some races are inherently inferior to other races, for example.  I don't respect which sports team you believe to be the best in [insert national sports league].  I don't respect your beliefs on which brand of clothing or shoes is the best.  I don't respect your beliefs on what the best kind of food is.

None of these beliefs have done a thing for me to say they've earned my respect.  I tolerate such beliefs, because this is a free society and people can do/believe as they wish, up to a certain point.  I respect your right to hold such beliefs, because again, this is a free society.  But I don't respect the beliefs themselves -- why should I respect that you believe in Yahweh?  Big whoop.  What has that belief done for me to gain my respect? 

If I believed in Marty the Giant Martian, would you think that's an honorable belief?  Would you hold that belief in high-regard?  Probably not, because such a belief doesn't demand any inherent respect...full circle, respect is earned.

Debate & Discuss / Re: 100 Reasons why Evolution is Stupid
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:59:21 pm »Message ID: 206089
Extraordinarily intelligent man with a Bachelor's Degree in religious studies from a non-accredited college.  Must have also been a strenuous process getting his "Ph.D" from the non-accredited Patriot Bible University.  A known diploma mill that:

allows students to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and even "Doctor of Ministry" degrees in months, rather than years, for as little as $25 per month. Currently Patriot offers a monthly fee, unlike most universities, which only charge per-credit fees.

I bet his doctoral dissertation was magnificent in its almighty incompleteness:

Hovind's dissertation is incomplete (contains four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind's introduction claims the work is 250 pages with 16 chapters), of low academic quality, with poor writing, poor spelling, and poor grammatical style. Bartelt asserts that pages are repeated, references are absent, and it is not an original work with original ideas.

He's probably doing a lot of heavy "thinking" sitting in his jail cell for his 58 federal counts of tax evasion and smurfing.

The guy's a grade A nut:

As part of his "one world government" conspiracy theory, Hovind also believes that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), HIV, West Nile virus, Gulf war syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Wegener's disease, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's were all engineered by "the money masters and governments of the world" for the purpose of global economic domination.  Hovind believes "Satan has been using the great pyramid as his symbol for the New World Order."  He believes government secretly plotting to implant an "electronic ID" microchip in the body of every US citizen, which is the Mark of the Beast.  The aim, he believes, is to put "a chip into each of the major muscles and network them together so that a paralyzed person would be able to get some movement from their muscles" so that there "is going to be a system where you cannot buy or sell without the mark in the hands or in the forehead."  Yet, the mechanisms and history of such a project do not withstand scientific and historical scrutiny.

Regarding barcodes and the security strip on money, Hovind stated they are tied to a government plot in which barcodes and the "magnetic tape through the center of the paper" money "is of the same type that is on the back of your credit card" for tracking money and people.  Thus, the government "want to be able to track the money and find out where it goes."

Can you read that without laughing?  And you still think this guy is worth listening to, especially on a topic of science?  He's talks more nonsensical craziness than Glenn Beck, and that's a lot.  He has zero scientific credentials.  He can't even get creationists on his side (do you know how easy that is?)...creationist organizations despise what Hovind does and have made it openly known they believe his gimmicks undermine their goals.

But ignoring all this, he seems like a pretty credible, educated guy.  I'm sure his hard-earned degrees on religious studies from non-accredited diploma mills educated him well in the fields of science.

You post a video of Kent Hovind and you want me to believe you're not flamebaiting?  haha

Debate & Discuss / Re: How did Global Warming become a Christian issue?
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:46:13 pm »Message ID: 205651
Well shoot!  How could dozens upon dozens of Ph.D-holding mathematicians, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists have made such a simple mathematical error!?  Back to the lab it is, and let's check the basic math this time ya dumb scientists -.-

Humans are in the genus homo, which is estimated to be roughly 2.3-2.4 million years old.  A species of the genus homo is homo sapiens, which would have resembled modern humans quite a lot (only about 3/4 the brain size however) -- estimated around 500,000 years.  No informed person holds to 200,000 as being the estimated time humans began walking Earth -- that is the estimated time frame for homo sapiens sapiens, which are dubbed a sub-species of homo sapiens (within the genus homo) because they're anatomically modern humans.  Humans, as a species, have been on this planet much longer than 200,000 years.

Debate & Discuss / Re: The Truth about Militant Atheism
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:31:42 pm »Message ID: 205650
because they're based on horrible foundations

Yep. Btw liljp where have you been? You disappeared for a long time!

Attempting to stay away from nonsense like this lol

But I got bored the other night :P

Debate & Discuss / Re: Militant Atheists
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:30:00 pm »Message ID: 205647
What did you intend to accomplish by your response?
Well certainly not for her to get angry with me and accuse me of being obnoxious!  ;)  I guess I didn't give it much thought at all, forgetting that some people get very offended when you bring up religion.  And that makes me very sad that I can't even talk to people decently about it on occasion; it gets protected by this blanket of "taboo".

Well, the issue isn't necessarily shying away from offending people.  Offending others is part of life and people simply have to deal with it in a society that has, at its roots, freedom to express one's self.  Offend away, in my opinion :)  The truth is often offensive to people, but it is the truth nonetheless.  I believe its inevitable, and likely necessary, to offend others at certain points in time.

My problem is this really didn't seem like one of those "points in time."  Like I said, I think, especially on a topic like religion, that you really have to pick and choose your battles in public (I would include social networking sites "public" to a small extent).  If you pick the wrong battles, you come across as a "snide *bleep*," for lack of a better term...and when that happens, the message you're sending basically gets ignored.  At that point, what have you gained?  I think on topics like this, you have to tread lightly, but that doesn't mean offending people is off limits.

Debate & Discuss / Re: The Truth about Militant Atheism
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:21:28 pm »Message ID: 205643
You're a troll :) An obvious one at that...

Trolls present off topic messages in an online community. If I had presented this message on the regularFC  forum, you would be correct. Perhaps you didn't notice that this section is specifically for debates. This isn't disrupting "normal on-topic discussions." All topics are open for discussion.

If you do not want to read what I wrote, you do not have to read it. Furthermore, if all you have to say is things that are only written to provoke emotional responses from me - that is truly a definition of a troll. So, the very thing you accuse me of, you have become. Again, if you do not want to read what I have written in the "debate" section, then don't!

You make nonsensical statements (ie there's nothing inherently wrong with humans owning other human beings) in an attempt to get an emotional rise out of others and your "arguments" lead no where (because they're based on horrible foundations).  Perhaps a better term would be flamebaiting.  They're usually not far from each other however.

Debate & Discuss / Re: Are people who are Childfree selfish?
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:48:53 pm »Message ID: 205566
No, how is it selfish to desire living your own life and doing things on your own time?  How is it selfish to choose not to contribute to overpopulation?

If anything, given the world's population (and population estimates within the next 50 or so years), it's arguably more selfish to continue bringing multiple children into the world.  The world's population by 2050 is estimated somewhere anywhere from 8-10 billion -- that's a hell of a lot of people to feed, clothe, and keep content -- we're struggling doing that with a little over 6 billion right now...

Debate & Discuss / Re: The Truth about Militant Atheism
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:43:53 pm »Message ID: 205565
You're a troll :) An obvious one at that...

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