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Messages - anndahlin

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Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. (m)
« on: August 07, 2009, 11:49:19 am »Message ID: 77835
You don't need to cheerlead FC to me, Ive been here a heck of a lot longer than you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think it was a reputable site.

You've been HERE since May. There are plenty of people who have been here MUCH longer than you. (excluding me, I joined in May as well)

Don't go spouting lies about yourself to seem more impressive. It doesn't work.

I am not a liar, you just either cannot read, or don't know the difference between 2008 and 2009. Either way calling someone a liar when they aren't and then on top of it not reading before you respond doesn't make you look impressive.

Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. (m)
« on: August 07, 2009, 11:31:26 am »Message ID: 77830
Name:  anndahlin
Posts:  45 (0.098 per day)
Position:  Newbie
Date Registered:  May 05, 2008, 03:40:31 pm

I looked this person up they have not been here as long as they say this is easy to find info just click on the person's name.  

Anyway I got credit fot the credit for the offer no problems here and I do not remember anyone calling me.

I have been doing surveys for 7 years, but of course not 7 years here. Seriously, where did you even get that idea?  I never once even said I belonged to FC for 7 years. I said I have been doing surveys for 7 years. That means doing surveys here and other places. I don't know anyone that only belongs to one survey site. Most people have lists upon lists of sites they belong to. So if they tell you they've been doings surveys for say 5 years but you only see them 6 months here you are going to accuse them of not doing surveys for 5 years? Um ok.

Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. (m)
« on: August 06, 2009, 07:14:06 pm »Message ID: 77719
Let me get this straight, you took it upon yourself to contact one of Fusion Cash's advertisers and discuss the conduct of Fusion Cash? That is not a smart thing to do but you will probably have to find that out for yourself.  I have NEVER had a bad experiience with Fusion Cash and they have treated me with respect and honesty every time that I have EVER had a question.  You should of gone through the PROPER CHANNELS if you had a complaint, you should NEVER try to go over your supervisor's head.  Bad idea. 

Oh please. Who is making this about Fusion Cash, except you? You don't need to cheerlead FC to me, Ive been here a heck of a lot longer than you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think it was a reputable site. This isn't about FC. Did you even hear me once complain that Fusion Cash were at fault? No. I know, from doing surveys for 7 years and from not getting credited in the past from FC, that when you tell them you haven't been credited they refer to the terms of service that say sometimes one doesn't get credited. But this was different, completely different.  My name and information is now out there and I am getting calls.

I personally think this was a rerouting issue and I think that is possibly what we may find out. Or maybe not. But either way it will be figured out. I went to GO RVing, because the survey was on their site, their server and their bandwidth, thus they have a stake in this, and they know it.
I want people to know what is going on so they can make their own choices whether to do the survey or not.

Fusion Cash has always allowed people to discuss when they weren't credited and people listing the advertisers who don't pay. I had every right to ask GO RVing what was going on. They are the ones who are giving out all my personal information without my being compensated for it.

Besides, look around, Fusion Cash is even allowing a thread currently that asks people to name their favorite survey sites other than Fusion Cash. So give Fusion Cash more credit than that.

Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. (m)
« on: August 06, 2009, 06:43:26 pm »Message ID: 77706
I also got credited for this instantly. Not sure what's going on but it honestly sounds like to me your disrespecting the advertisers. and perhaps in the future you should use a brrrng! Phone number.

You didn't read my update obviously where I said I did call them. I am not disrespecting an advertiser. In fact, the woman was grateful that I called because she said she doesn't believe this ad should even be on this site and she wants to get to the bottom of who put it on there. She is also upset on my behalf that I didnt get credited for something that, if someone from her advertising agency decided, without her knowledge, to put an ad on here, because she said anytime someone clicks on the ad they are charged so she believes that for them to be charged that the person clicking on the ad and completing the survey should get compensated as well.

I wont even go there about not completing the survey correctly. Obviously it is not enough for some that I got the confirmation email from them, and got phone calls today from RV vendors in my state who were sent my information from GO I guess these vendors really didnt get my real name, address and telephone number from GO RVing, no, they have the magic abilities of Johnny Carson's Carnac to foresee that I would want an RV, and chose my name out of the 300 million people in this country, and called. The fact that I took took the RV survey 18 hours before they called had nothing to do with it.

Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. It's a scam! (m)
« on: August 06, 2009, 01:32:17 pm »Message ID: 77566

I contacted GO and got put thru to the manager who is also in their advertising department. I calmly explained that I took a survey on their website, on their server, on their bandwidth and that I didn't get credited because they didn't credit FC, and that I wanted my $1 or else I was going to contact the ftc over this because they were giving out my name and number to people without the promised compensation.

She said where did you find this survey and I told her FC, so she came on here and signed up so she could see the GORVing offer herself. She was stunned. She said what is that doing here, I am calling our advertising agency about this and our legal department. She said if we did have a survey here it should be "paid per click" because that is how we would be charged. She said if we actually legitimately have an ad here you should have been credited because we would have been charged the moment you clicked. She said I have no idea where FC got this ad, we have never heard of Fusion Cash, but I guarantee you one thing you will be hearing from me come Monday because I am getting to the bottom of this.

She was truely stunned over this. She's never heard of GORving advertising in any way with paid per click ads, and she's in their advertising department!

I'll update as I hear more. Until then I wouldn't do any GO RVing surveys if I were you.

Offers / Re: DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. It's a scam! (m)
« on: August 06, 2009, 12:40:32 pm »Message ID: 77533
I want proof they you all got credit, until then I won't believe it. I have been doing surveys for 7 years and know exactly what I am doing. I know how to take surveys and how to follow through with them.  ::)

So easy for people to blame the victim when they do not have any idea.

Off-Topic / Re: List your favorite GPT sites and why you like them..
« on: August 06, 2009, 12:17:04 pm »Message ID: 77519
Well, I've only recently started joining GPT sites, but my favorites so far are:
Inbox Dollars
Trek Pay
Fusion cash
Survey head (yeah, qualifying is a pain, but I've completed some of the more valuable surveys in the past.)
and Prize Live (technically this is a rewards site, but i still like the selection of prizes!)

@anndahlin & oldbuddy: The reason that I like Inbox Dollars is cause of their variety of ways to earn, as well as the fact that your account is updated to gold automatically when you receive your first check.

Hey, you don't have to defend why you like a given company. We all have our own expectations of what we will and won't put up with.

Off-Topic / Re: List your favorite GPT sites and why you like them..
« on: August 06, 2009, 12:15:30 pm »Message ID: 77517
Inbox and sendearnings are a joke. Cut everyone's pay in half for a survey to a measly .50 and then charge a person $3.00 when they reach their payment threshold. You've got to be kidding me. They don't deserve to be in anyone's top 100, let alone "favorite".

I wouldn't use Squishy Cash if my life depended on it.

I agree with you, but do you have any better ones?

Yes, but I find it in extremely bad taste to go on a business's, in this case Fusion Cash, message board and start a thread asking to discuss other companies which are in direct competition to Fusion Cash. I can't believe this thread hasn't even been deleted. I guarantee you it would be if I ran this joint. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of disrespect. So while I could reccomend several highly respected survey sites that Ive belonged to for over 5 years, I am not going to use Fusion Cash's bandwidth, which they pay for, to tell you. Sorry.

Off-Topic / Re: List your favorite GPT sites and why you like them..
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:57:59 am »Message ID: 77506
Inbox and sendearnings are a joke. Cut everyone's pay in half for a survey to a measly .50 and then charge a person $3.00 when they reach their payment threshold. You've got to be kidding me. They don't deserve to be in anyone's top 100, let alone "favorite".

I wouldn't use Squishy Cash if my life depended on it.

Offers / Re: someone isnt telling the truth
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:39:29 am »Message ID: 77500
I think if Fusion Cash sees that one of the offers they post on their site is not paying then they should take it down. To me it is deceptive to, once they have notice of an offer not paying over and over, to allow it to remain on their site. If they choose to allow it to remain then they should put, in bold font on the button you click on, Warning: this offer has been known not to pay.

But gosh, if they did that, who would take the survey?

Offers / DO NOT DO THE GO RVing survey which is one of the new offers. (m)
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:27:56 am »Message ID: 77496
I did the survey and the survey directs you to the website. I filled out my name and address, gave my phone number, watched the video, everything and never got credited. Yet GORVing emailed me thanking me, and then today, less than 24 HOURS later there was a sales guy from a local RV'g outfit calling me wanting to sell me an RV!

So Go RV'g wants the advertising, wants the business, but does not want to pay Fusion Cash and because it doesn't credit FC, FC doesn't credit us. It ticks me off to no end that my name is going to be on all kinds of mailing lists now, and that GORVing isn't going to pay. Fusion Cash, take this offer off your offers. It isn't fair to us and it isn't fair to you as a company. I told that guy that until GORVing credits me for the survey they could take all their Rv's and shove it up their blankety blank and that I would not do business with anybody that deals with that website.

Now I am going to get all kinds of sales calls from all kinds of people with no compensation. I am in the market for an RV, but I'll tell you what, I will not buy one from ANY place that calls me who got my name from this offer I did. This just ticks me off to no end.

P.S FC lists me as a "newbie" here because I don't post a whole lot, but Ive been here for a long time and have been doing surveys since '03, so in no way am I a newbie to the survey business. I would very much like to hear from FC. I know the spiel of if we dont get credited you don't, I get that. What I want is this offer removed. I can prove the phone call. Ive got the guy's name and number and name of business who called me on my cell phone here, and he said he got my name from the GO RV'g website who contacted him. Ive never told anyone I was in the mood for an RV.

Ive got all the proof in the world but do you think Im gonna get credited for this offer? No. So if FC won't stand behind one of their own (me) by crediting me for an offer I took that they willingly put on their site, then they should remove the offer. Stand behind the offers or take them down.

Support / 3 days in a row, NOT credited for GUY2C. It says, as I am being
« on: February 15, 2009, 08:49:06 am »Message ID: 38729
rerouted back to FC, "we are experiencing technical difficulties". Of course there are no "TD" during the actual 30 min survey, only after the survey's completion and they are rerouting me back to FC does it happen.

 :thumbsup: Thanks, Greenfield

Support / Frustrated!! "Your email address contains invalid characters"
« on: January 01, 2009, 12:17:11 pm »Message ID: 33836
That is the message I am getting when I click on the GUY2C daily survey button to take a survey. I entered all my information correctly and entered my actual email address; the one I use for FC and which happens to be my real email address irl.

Nothing I entered was invalid or incorrect, but it still wont let me take a survey. Ive cleared my cookies several times, and I dont have all caps lock on or number lock on or anything like that.

Admin how can you rectify this?

Off-Topic / Re: Happy Holidays Everyone!!
« on: December 28, 2008, 01:22:53 pm »Message ID: 33761
Happy Holidays to you too!  Mine was really nice although Ive had a cold for the last week and now 2 of my 3 children have caught it over the weekend.

I hope you catch all those spammers! lol

Have a wonderful New Year!

Offers / Re: I guess this is the norm...
« on: December 22, 2008, 06:23:34 am »Message ID: 33672
Been clearing my cookies and I thought that had solved the problem but neither of my daily surveys here on Saturday were credited. I didn't even bother yesterday, but Im going to try again this morning.

Edited to say FusionCash just credited me for my OTX survey this morning. They credited me right away too.

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