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Messages - crazeebaguti

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FusionCash / i don't like change
« on: September 02, 2013, 10:21:01 am »Message ID: 788618

this new website layout feels less user friendly--

--but i know i just need time.

Off-Topic / Re: What is your daily quote?
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:59:53 am »Message ID: 776097
Dwell not so much on the past, and worry not so much about the future. Those who live in the present are happier.

Off-Topic / Re: Brushing your teeth?
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:59:16 am »Message ID: 776095
I usually start brushing my teeth by the sink, but then move on to wander around the apartment and move things around, etc. while brushing my teeth. I take occasional trips back to the sink.

Off-Topic / Re: Jobs2Shop
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:57:50 am »Message ID: 776092
Yes you definitely have to do more than just the "reward mail" to get paid (aka do actual offers/surveys as well), but I did successfully get paid!  :thumbsup: I am about to request my second cashout.

Payment Pictures / My $25.31 PayPal cashout payment
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:07:11 am »Message ID: 740134

This image was posted automatically.

Contests & Promotions / Re: Weekend (Saturday/Sunday) Mini Promotions - Non-Sports Related
« on: May 12, 2013, 10:20:28 am »Message ID: 735764
Periodically on the Table

 - Fill out this dHdzXzdhRFkyOWNwNjJPdnJvWmNnRlE6MQ&entry_1
 - 2 cents for correct answer
 - One entry per user

Kohler, I have a concern with this most recent survey. It's regarding this first question:
Periodically on the Table
* Required

When this element is placed into a tube and ionized by an electrical charge it produces a distinct light. What is this noble gas first discovered at the end of the nineteenth century? *

I'm Not exactly sure what answer you are looking for....All of the noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon) are used in producing "fluorescent light" tubes. Each produces a different color. Also, since they were all discovered at the end of the 19th century, I'm not sure if this question is fair.

Are you looking for the very FIRST gas used in tubes, or simply the most common one?

Off-Topic / Re: Jobs2Shop
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:20:04 pm »Message ID: 734252
Happy to report i just got my check from jobs2shop in the mail a few days ago!. I haven't had time to go to the bank yet, but am going tomorrow. Will update if deposit is a success  :wave:

Suggestions / Re: i have a suggestion
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:32:59 am »Message ID: 732442
Some of the other sites charge you for a cashout!

Ferreal most of them do. FC IS DA HAWTEST OF SAUCES  :D

Suggestions / Re: i think
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:31:44 am »Message ID: 732441
Im sure no one would complain about that but FC probably can't afford to do that! 3 dollaz is a bunch for the forum bonus, in my opinion. It's one of the funnest and easiest ways to make $$ here  :icon_rr:

Word Chains & Countdowns / Re: words that describe your job
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:04:45 pm »Message ID: 725853
editing editing editing rendering rendering rendering upload upload upload cofeee coffee coffeeeeeeee

Contests & Promotions / Re: Weekend (Saturday/Sunday) Mini Promotions - Non-Sports Related
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:52:03 pm »Message ID: 724780
hurrah for horror

Payments / Re: vacation time
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:49:38 am »Message ID: 723218
ha i have never been on a vacation. i hope to get enough money from filmmaking grants (which I am currently applying for) to go make documentaries around the world though. This has been my dream since I was 9 years old. Just about to graduate uni in 1 month :o

Contests & Promotions / Re: Tuesday/Wednesday Mini Promotions - Sports Related
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:47:50 am »Message ID: 723217
poop i didnt get credited for last week so i guess i must have just failed horribly  :P

Offers / Re: The Price Is Right.$14.00!
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:45:30 am »Message ID: 723216
Actually, I just did some Googling and found the list of banned states. Here's the list from the WorldWinner Terms and Conditions:

"Based on these 50 sets of laws; the Site DOES NOT offer games requiring a cash entry fee ("Cash Competitions") to users accessing the Site from the following states: Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont."

If you live in one of those states, don't even bother because you'll be rejected.

what a bummer! I was about to go do it until I saw your post. Thanks for the heads up, at least

Offers / Re: RushCard Offer-Do it
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:43:58 am »Message ID: 723214
hmm yeah I just found it under "New Offers" but I guess they must have taken it down pretty quickly. Maybe it will return!

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