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Topic: old people realy need to stop driving  (Read 7647 times)


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old people realy need to stop driving
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:48:30 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 05:53:01 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident
. i agree with you. Old people make it difficult for us to drive on the road


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 06:07:59 am »
Some of them can still drive well. They just need to be tested or something ever few years once they reach a certain age.

I don't know if she was old or not, but some lady pulled out right in front of me on the street yesterday.. She could have pulled into the right lane, but no, she pulled into the left lane and I had to screech on my breaks (I wasn't even speeding) and still almost hit her. Then when I blew the horn she drive down the street for about 5 minutes inbetween the two lanes, (really.) clearly not watching where she was going because she was staring at me the whole time in her mirror.
There is just no excuse for the way some people drive.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2010, 06:10:21 am »
In defense of older people, the statistics show that they are not the ones having the most accidents.  The worst ones are the young boys/men up to age 25.  Also the young kids do a lot of cellphoning and texting while driving.  How often do you see a younger person driving with a cell phone attached to their ear.  In my state, it is not illegal to drive while talking and every other person driving has a phone at their ear.  

Are you prepared to drive the older people around so that they don't drive themselves?


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2010, 06:41:26 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident
Old people aren't the problem on the road, from my observations, it's the younger generation with all the high tech gadgets. For all of you young bucks who like to talk, text, watch your gps systems and eat burgers while you're driving, just remember, some day you just might be one of those "old people" too.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2010, 07:49:06 am »
I was not going to reply to this ,But here goes.
Not every Sr.citizen drives poorly.
Yes they do need to be tested more often., I agree.
And there are those that should not drive at all.
I have had to make this decision for my dad.
It was very hard on him, he had driven since he was 16.
He was 76 when he surrendered his license.
Some elderly do not have the luxury of family or others as my dad did ,
to drive them to the store, doctors appointment ,etc.
 They need there license.
For those it is a tuff call" who will be there to help them when they cant drive?
They have just as many rights as do the "NEW" young unexperianced drivers.
It just ticks me off  when a experianced driver or unexperianced drivers for that matter, 
cant give common courtesy to the other guy.

There are just as many younger drivers out there that speed, text,multi task with there friends while driving .
I like to call them the Invensibles....
The ones that beleave that nothing can happen to them...


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2010, 07:54:34 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident

Teenagers are much worse. The majority of deadly crashes are caused by teens!!


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2010, 07:59:14 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident
So stay home!  :bs:


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2010, 08:13:12 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident
i dont think that fair everybody deserve a chance no matter what besides if you live long enough you can still drive.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2010, 08:21:44 am »
I hate driving behind old people they do not pay any attention to the road and i watch this old man just run a stop sign and caused and accident
. i agree with you. Old people make it difficult for us to drive on the road
I,am with you on that my mom is old and she loved to drive til she had a accident.But she did not get hrut thank God.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2010, 08:27:42 am »
There are some that can still drive well. However, most older people either drive like a bat out of hell or so slow it's rediculous. I think that everybody no matter what age should have to retake the driving test like every 5 or 10 years. Frankly we all need a little reminder sometimes and the laws change constantly so it'd be good. Also, I have found that driving at about 7:30 to 7:45 am has the worst drivers. Taking my husband to work this morning (his car is in the shop), I was almost wrecked into like 4 times. I would think people would drive more safe with their children in the car. Apparently, people are just in that much a hurry to get their kids dropped off and get to work that safety goes out the window. It's pathetic. I'd rather be late to work than wreck trying to make it there. So no matter what age I think everyone should have to retake the driving test and if you fail it, then you don't have a license anymore. That will make everyone more safe. So if some older people have bad eyesight then they can't pass the test etc.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2010, 08:30:33 am »
Older people should definetly be tested. I used to work at a bank and there was an older client who had cataracts really bad that would drive. She was pulled over in our parking lot for reckless driving(she didn't see the cop w/his lights flashing behind him) and she used to run into our drive through all the time!! My grandparents also need to have their licenses taken away, but try telling them that.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2010, 08:45:50 am »
No disrespect to older people, but I agree.


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2010, 08:48:06 am »
I believe people who have reached a certain age need to be tested for their driving capability.  I know many elderly (family and friends/neighbors) who are in the peak of mental health, but I've also known many who lose their "spark" as they aged.  

My viewpoint is personal, of course.  Seven years ago, an elderly person went the wrong way on the interstate.  They know it was a sudden decision she made, rather than just getting on the wrong way at an exit, because concerned passers-by witnessed her pull off to the side of the interstate, turn around, and head back the other direction.   Her full size pick up hit my car (a tiny little Chevy Metro), killing my boyfriend (at the time) and my 6 year old sister, and horribly disfiguring my (then) 10 year old sister and permanently weakening my left arm and hand.  She had a valid driver's license, despite an apparently known health risk; because in TN, once you reach 65, you are no longer required to renew your driver's license.  Now I'd blame the state of TN and the family of the woman (who knew about her mental confusion but let her drive anyway), before I'd say that all elderly are bad drivers.

All states should have driving exams for both the elderly and anyone (regardless of age) who has had their license suspended/revoked during the time between renewals, or have caused an accident with property damage over a certain amount of $, or caused an injury or death.  Renewals should also be required for all ages.  It may sound unfair, but requiring driving tests for the elderly would be no different than the fact that insurance companies are allowed to charge excessive amounts for car insurance for young drivers, no matter how well they drive.

As to the OP's statement though, I think that's :bs: that you generalize all elderly like that.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 07:05:10 am by animikokala »


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Re: old people realy need to stop driving
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2010, 08:48:42 am »
i saw this old women drving her car the other day she was pretty alert to me so i guess i cant paint all the old people with that stigma of not knowing how to drive but i do remember a couple causing a accident a few days ago ..i guess just be safe out there for you all

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