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Messages - fluffyubnny937

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 35
Off-Topic / Re: Quote for the Day
« on: July 19, 2024, 09:10:58 am »Message ID: 1379203
"Hawk Tuah" - A girl who knows how to make her man happy

Off-Topic / Re: Vaping in my free time
« on: July 11, 2024, 07:40:04 am »Message ID: 1379173
I started vaping, and I spend my free time vaping. Can I consider vaping as a hobby?

Anything is a hobby is you put in enough money and make no money in return.

Debate & Discuss / Big loser Biden vs Best President ever Trump: who won the debate?
« on: June 28, 2024, 12:46:33 pm »Message ID: 1379092
I'm assuming we all watched the debate. It's tough to say who won. Biden definitely won the senile and feeble old man crowd but didn't do well with people who like their president to have a working brain and to be alive and not being paraded around by staffers Weekend at Bernie's style. Trump didn't let what question was asked by the moderator get in the way of him talking about the border crisis. The important thing to remember about these two of course is that while they both may be modern day Hitler, Trump is only like him in ways of political policy and views on racial minorities, while Biden is like him in that they both died a long time ago. I of course want my dictator alive thank you very much. I do want to give a special shout out to the DNC for making this possible. If they hadn't insisted on Biden in 2020 and for not allowing him to retire after one term, this couldn't be possible. Thank you, God-Emperor Trump won't spare you when we start sending you to the camps, but you'll probably get a 5 minute extra lunch break on Thursdays at the work camp. Project 2025 is going to be a great set of policy goals that we're going to start enacting day one people, day one! I can't wait until we don't have to pretend to like Mormons, Conservative Catholics, Conservative Jews, Conservative no-whites and Libertarians anymore. But don't tell them they're going to the work camps too after we're done with Democrats. So what are your thoughts on who won the debate?

Debate & Discuss / Re: Is it just me?
« on: June 26, 2024, 12:56:58 pm »Message ID: 1379078

So I heard they finally got Hunter Biden on the gun charges. Now Hunter Biden has no chance of winning the presidential election.

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 06, 2024, 11:05:44 am »Message ID: 1378977
lololol!   :bootyshake:

You just don't seem to understand how prosecutions and juries act and think.  If Trump had testified, the prosecution would have been able to ask Trump if he had an affair with Stormy Daniels. If he had an affair with her and said "No," he would've piled another charge on him...the charge of perjury...if he had said "Yes," it would've proved their case. He would've been screwed either way. Same on the "Legal expenses." Other items in the prosecution would've been hit questions and if Trump had testified, he could've been found guilty of even more charges.   It is normal for the defense not to take the stand and testify. Safer for defendants not to testify no matter how innocent they are.  Now Trump has an even greater chance of being exonerated on appeal. I know the legal system more than you think and he had good counsel. As for some of your statements, I think you need help.

How dare you imply us Trump supporters are a bunch of brain washed drooling morons with a combined IQ of 45. Even worse, how dare you imply Trump is guilty of anything. I want you to think long and hard about what you just said, almost as long and hard as I think of Hunter Biden's laptop pictures. If you were a real Trump supporter you would know he has never done anything wrong in his entire life. Look at his moral crusade to get rid of gambling by having all those casinos closed down. If you're going to accuse Trump of any wrong doing, you might as well vote for Joe Biden. Plus I know more about the legal system than you will ever from first hand experience. I have had to go to court to fight more DUIs, domestic violence allegations, paternity lawsuits, solicitation charges, and all those times I voted multiple times in elections to cancel out all the voter fraud the DemonRats do, than you will ever comprehend. I don't know what this charge per jury is but it seems unfair that they can just add more charges to an ongoing trial per the jury. I thought court persecutors not the jury decided charges. If you are willing to recognize you were wrong and vote for Trump as a real Trump supporter, then first you must cleanse yourself of your sin of doubting Trump's innocence for even a second.

First I want you to say 45 hail Trumps. Then I want you to repeat the Trump prayer every night before bed for the rest of your life. If you don't know it yet, I have it provided below.

Our Trump who is in Mar-a-Lago, bigly be your name. Your Presidency come, your will be done, in the White House, as it is in Trump Tower. Let us pay you for our daily Trump Steaks. Withhold payments to pay legal fees for what we do in your name after promising to pay our legal fees, as you withhold payments to your construction contractors. and lead us into not violating our NDAs, but hold us to their obligations. And keeps us from voting democrat. For yours is the presidency, and the power, and the glory, for ever, MAGA.

Conversation over. I'm being serious and you're being ridiculous.

You're right, I am ridiculous. As in ridiculously correct in every statement I made. Facts and logic don't care about your feelings. Go cry some more about how wrong you must realized you are. I will continue to wait to be super rich from all the DJT stocks and Trump NFTs I bought when they sky rocket in value after he wins the election. He won't win in the traditional sense since crooked Joe Biden will steal the election again (unless if our efforts to stop the steal like we did in 2016, I had to case so many extra ballots on behalf of dead people to cancel out people voting fraudulently for Hillary "lock her up" Clinton, prevail) but when we do a second Jan. 6th, Trump will be restored to the White House. Because that's what real Trump supporters do. Unlike you, you fraud who I bet is secretly voting for Joe Biden.

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 06, 2024, 08:03:24 am »Message ID: 1378975
lololol!   :bootyshake:

So we agree the trial was rigged and the witnesses were a bunch of liars? But how dare you imply Trump would have been in more trouble if he took the stand. Only guilty people refuse to testify, and I know for fact that Trump is 100% not guilty of all allegations against him. I have just a much evidence of his innocence as I do for Biden stealing the election from him. If Trump had taken the stand and told it like it is, his beautiful voice and beautiful words would have swayed the court. Words, that are so unimaginably beautiful, you couldn't handle them. The lying witnesses would have recanted their lying testimonies the corrupt judge and jury would have found Trump innocent for they would know they would have no excuse to fall back on to find him guilty. If you need to look up more information about how Trump's 34 guilty count ruling was wrong, just Google search Trump Rule 34. Now I need to get back to making sure I go to same prison as our beloved leader so that I can protect him there as he protected us during his presidency and will pardon me when he's back in the White House. I dream of holding hands with him as we watch those who persecuted him be dealt with permanently once he's back in office where he will reign eternally. If you don't have those kinds of dreams every night about Trump, I doubt you're a real supporter. You need to ask yourself, are you a real Trump supporter or someone who doesn't dream about Trump every night?

You just don't seem to understand how prosecutions and juries act and think.  If Trump had testified, the prosecution would have been able to ask Trump if he had an affair with Stormy Daniels. If he had an affair with her and said "No," he would've piled another charge on him...the charge of perjury...if he had said "Yes," it would've proved their case. He would've been screwed either way. Same on the "Legal expenses." Other items in the prosecution would've been hit questions and if Trump had testified, he could've been found guilty of even more charges.   It is normal for the defense not to take the stand and testify. Safer for defendants not to testify no matter how innocent they are.  Now Trump has an even greater chance of being exonerated on appeal. I know the legal system more than you think and he had good counsel. As for some of your statements, I think you need help.

How dare you imply us Trump supporters are a bunch of brain washed drooling morons with a combined IQ of 45. Even worse, how dare you imply Trump is guilty of anything. I want you to think long and hard about what you just said, almost as long and hard as I think of Hunter Biden's laptop pictures. If you were a real Trump supporter you would know he has never done anything wrong in his entire life. Look at his moral crusade to get rid of gambling by having all those casinos closed down. If you're going to accuse Trump of any wrong doing, you might as well vote for Joe Biden. Plus I know more about the legal system than you will ever from first hand experience. I have had to go to court to fight more DUIs, domestic violence allegations, paternity lawsuits, solicitation charges, and all those times I voted multiple times in elections to cancel out all the voter fraud the DemonRats do, than you will ever comprehend. I don't know what this charge per jury is but it seems unfair that they can just add more charges to an ongoing trial per the jury. I thought court persecutors not the jury decided charges. If you are willing to recognize you were wrong and vote for Trump as a real Trump supporter, then first you must cleanse yourself of your sin of doubting Trump's innocence for even a second.

First I want you to say 45 hail Trumps. Then I want you to repeat the Trump prayer every night before bed for the rest of your life. If you don't know it yet, I have it provided below.

Our Trump who is in Mar-a-Lago, bigly be your name. Your Presidency come, your will be done, in the White House, as it is in Trump Tower. Let us pay you for our daily Trump Steaks. Withhold payments to pay legal fees for what we do in your name after promising to pay our legal fees, as you withhold payments to your construction contractors. and lead us into not violating our NDAs, but hold us to their obligations. And keeps us from voting democrat. For yours is the presidency, and the power, and the glory, for ever, MAGA.

Contests & Promotions / Re: ONGOING PROMOTION: Get paid to follow FusionCash on Twitter!
« on: June 04, 2024, 02:34:01 pm »Message ID: 1378965
Is this promotion still ongoing? I did follow and I got that same error message nothing seems to work 😩

No, because there is no Twitter now. There is only X.

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 04, 2024, 01:06:15 pm »Message ID: 1378964
U 2 are HILARIOUS, especially fluffy, keep it coming!  Keep the once great FC forum alive, since nothing else is here anymore.... :glasses-nerdy: :) :party:

I am glad to see that you at least appreciate how funny the terrible arguments against our beloved Trump are.

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 04, 2024, 12:38:58 pm »Message ID: 1378962
lololol!   :bootyshake:

Yes, I too mock the liberals who think Trump should be listening to crooked lawyers instead of speaking the truth in court. If he had just testified and told them that none of it was true then he would have been found 100% not guilty of all charges. You can't lie in court, therefore if he had just told them in court that he didn't do it then the jury would have no choice to find him not guilty since you can't lie in court. Unfortunately because he didn't the jury found him guilty from the testimony of those liars who told lies in court.

He certainly would have had to tell the truth. What you don't seem to understand it the prosecution would ask questions that would get in more trouble than he's in now. You seem to have a lot of faith in the judicial system of NY. DemonRat prosecutors, DemonRat corrupt Judge, and most of all, DemonRat jury. It was a done deal before the trial even started. The jury found him guilty because of the lies and liars of their "star" witnesses and corrupt judge who let them ramble on telling their lies without consequences.  Do a little research into who those DemonRat judge and prosecutors were and that would be the answer why shouldn't have testified.  There wasn't much hope of defending Trump in the blind because of the prosecution holding back names and documents of "their evidence." Can't have a good defense if you don't have a good discovery opposition. He has plenty of ammunition for an appeal. I can only hope his attorneys can get a neutral judge during the appeal. He was denied his rights for defense and constitutionality in more than one Article and Section of the Bill of Rights.

So we agree the trial was rigged and the witnesses were a bunch of liars? But how dare you imply Trump would have been in more trouble if he took the stand. Only guilty people refuse to testify, and I know for fact that Trump is 100% not guilty of all allegations against him. I have just a much evidence of his innocence as I do for Biden stealing the election from him. If Trump had taken the stand and told it like it is, his beautiful voice and beautiful words would have swayed the court. Words, that are so unimaginably beautiful, you couldn't handle them. The lying witnesses would have recanted their lying testimonies the corrupt judge and jury would have found Trump innocent for they would know they would have no excuse to fall back on to find him guilty. If you need to look up more information about how Trump's 34 guilty count ruling was wrong, just Google search Trump Rule 34. Now I need to get back to making sure I go to same prison as our beloved leader so that I can protect him there as he protected us during his presidency and will pardon me when he's back in the White House. I dream of holding hands with him as we watch those who persecuted him be dealt with permanently once he's back in office where he will reign eternally. If you don't have those kinds of dreams every night about Trump, I doubt you're a real supporter. You need to ask yourself, are you a real Trump supporter or someone who doesn't dream about Trump every night?

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 03, 2024, 02:16:14 pm »Message ID: 1378959
lololol!   :bootyshake:

Yes, I too mock the liberals who think Trump should be listening to crooked lawyers instead of speaking the truth in court. If he had just testified and told them that none of it was true then he would have been found 100% not guilty of all charges. You can't lie in court, therefore if he had just told them in court that he didn't do it then the jury would have no choice to find him not guilty since you can't lie in court. Unfortunately because he didn't the jury found him guilty from the testimony of those liars who told lies in court.

Debate & Discuss / Re: He should have testified
« on: June 03, 2024, 09:06:13 am »Message ID: 1378957
I hope your statements were sarcastic and ridiculous. He shouldn't have testified. Thankfully, his lawyers kept him from doing so. You forgot that this judge and the prosecutors were all biased against him from the beginning and nothing would have stopped them from asking questions that might have gotten him into more hot water.  It's bad enough the defense could not defend him as well as they could when the judge denied a federal election official from testifying and defense not allowed to have any prosecution witness prior to 24 hours before they testified so they couldn't provide a better defense. That is NOT the American way of justice. He was denied his Constitutional rights in more ways than one from this judge.  This trial was a farce. The judge broke his oath of office and he broke the judicial laws by donating to the DemonRat party, besides his daughter working for a liberal group against the Republicans.

How dare you imply my statements were sarcastic and ridiculous! I 100% mean them, if I didn't it would come off that us real Trump supporters are bunch of drooling idiots. I did not forget that bias of judges and juries against Trump, I just thought that went without saying. The persecution of Trump is horrific. At least Judge Cannon of Florida has had the decency to maintain her loyalty to our God-Emperor. Hopefully ACB, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch will maintain their loyalty to the God who put them on the Supreme Court and their allies, Alito and Thomas (sometimes Roberts), will overturn this wrong ruling and put him back in his correct place in the White House (where we must ensure he never leaves again). It's time for any judge not loyal to Trump to resign or be "forced" out of office (if you catch my drift). I just can't thank Trump enough every night when I pray to him and thank him for all he has done for this country. His glorious border wall, fixing the healthcare system pretty much over night, showing all the evidence of Biden's attempt to steal the election in court, bringing up Hunter Biden's laptop so that I can keep remembering those pictures of his genitals (not nearly as bigly as Trump's though), commencing order 66 on the DemonRats party, making the economy so good that we have 0% unemployment and everyone has a ton money, and the list just goes on and on. Others may say Obama was a better president, to them I ask "if Obama was such a good President, then why did my wife leave me?" Checkmate Liberals.

Suggestions / Re: Casino with a deposit of 5 dollars in Canada
« on: May 31, 2024, 09:04:59 am »Message ID: 1378946
Among Us - The game requires a minimum of four players, but it can accommodate up to ten players in a single game.

With the latest updates they have maps that go up to 15 players now.

Debate & Discuss / He should have testified
« on: May 30, 2024, 02:38:00 pm »Message ID: 1378935
I am shocked and mourning the future of our once great country. If only he had testified, he could have easily proved his innocence. I understand he was just trying to give the other side a fighting chance, but he was far too generous with his handsome face. As the saying goes "don't do the crime, if you can't do the time" which clearly proves he's innocent since he doesn't have the ability to the do the time therefore he couldn't have done the crime. It's now more important than ever to put all our money into buying DJT stocks and Trump NFTs ( If God (by which I mean President Donald J. Trump our God-Emperor) forbid he does go to prison I insist each and every one of us go to New York and start committing crimes so that we can be sent to the same prison as him and form the toughest prison gang to have ever existed.

Off-Topic / Re: do you watch sports
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:34:10 pm »Message ID: 1378914
I don't care for sports, ever since it started being woke. I used to like sports when sport ball players just stuck to playing sports. When Colin Kaepernick knelt during the anthem to protest (it was to protest for or against the Bureau of Land Management or something like that I think, I never understood why sports guys care about BLM so much), it made me so sick that I just started throwing up. Luckily I had plenty of my patriotic American flag napkins to clean it up. Though I got some on my patriotic American flag shirt and pants, so I had to put those in the wash. To this day Colin Kaepernick has refused to financially reimburse me for the value of those napkins and the laundry detergent. Now everything is so political, back in the day those kinds had their own leagues that were separate from ours. Then that Robinson guy came around and made baseball (or stick ball as we used to call it) a political statement. He couldn't be happy in his own league, he had to make sports political. Now the great thing about stick ball back before then was that everyone knew their place in the game and society. At least NASCAR fans still have the right idea, flying the cooler American flag. But with everything becoming woke it's only a matter of time before NASCAR starts letting others and (((them))) start racing cars. At least I can still enjoy Harry Potter's quidditch. Sure it's a bunch of nerds who aren't magic playing with brooms but at least JK Rowling is on the right side when it comes to issues that are politics when the other side talk about but are just common sense to us. At least when Trump wins the 2024 and retakes the WHITE House, all those who opposed him will be dealt with swiftly and we can finally enjoy life free of politics and those with differing views will be gone and we won't need to vote anymore with Trump being the new God-Emperor for life (which his will be eternal!).

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