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Topics - stacy532

Pages: 1
Payment Pictures / My $25.72 PayPal cashout payment
« on: October 14, 2013, 09:02:08 am »Message ID: 805709

Member comment: thanks again

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Support / how to start an offer on fusion cash .com?
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:40:44 pm »Message ID: 458949
i see all kinds of business that have just made me sick to click on over the last year being offerd on the site some i know are scams etc  to each their own how does someone go about getting their own offer put on fusion cash via a video or a paid to click advertisement of my own id like to offer...  id like to make everyone on fusion cash rich right along with me this year  :angel11:

Suggestions / my suggestion for the site
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:16:32 pm »Message ID: 297866
I love the site and i understand the payout process but. Everyone on here that sings up compliains about the payout. I suggest if you want an early payout for an emergency. Or impulse buy let us take out half our money earned and let it cost 25% to do so. Or I'd invest. 3000 of my own money have it linked to the site so you can take out half your funds and let me make 25% and the site make 25%.. lol

FusionCash / my strategies with the profits from fusion cash
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:39:14 am »Message ID: 296245
I think this is a great site so far I am a member of 2 bux sites and am planning on using this quicker money from here to invest into referals on my two bux sites so no out of pocket expenses . the payouts here just by doing a few clicks are tripple what neobux and the other bux sites pay out , but if you get referals and just click their ads also the money can work better for me I hope.  Ill post my progress if thats ok , I understand if its not

FusionCash / Newbie here great site
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:59:35 pm »Message ID: 296036
I Made 40 bux in 24 hours im stoked , only a few things im worried about and that is referrals I would love to go door to door or friend to friend and sign people up and hell id even walk them through the whole thing if they are not computer savvy. But if im reading the tos correctly if i sign up my neighbor and he uses my wifi or anyone i sign ups wifi to log on to fusion cash by any reason including by a simple mistake he gets banned and we both loose everything? 
  Thanks in advance :angel12:

Pages: 1