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Topics - hawkeye56

Pages: 1
Support / videos
« on: March 05, 2020, 05:13:46 pm »Message ID: 1315826
Where are the videos ? The same place as the surveys? This site is going down the tubes!!!!!! Pathetic !!!!

Support / Theft of Rewards
« on: February 01, 2017, 09:34:16 am »Message ID: 1120348
Why do you post a weekly rewards that were earned, but not the money stolen from accounts ? I was forced to move and was without internet access and now am being punished for it by you people stealing money I earned. I have gone through the process of stating my displeasure with your unethical, and immoral policies. I recieved one answer that basically said tough *bleep*. But none of my other disputes have been answered, just deleted and ignored. Stay classy fusion cash !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pages: 1