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Topic: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask  (Read 2606 times)


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2021, 12:37:14 pm »
I mean.. I don't wear a mask.. and I don't feel like it's because I'm stupid but sometimes I do feel bad.  Not because I'm afraid that someone will get sick because of my lack of wearing a mask but because I know people are terrified and I don't want to be the reason someone is afraid to go shopping :( my Hubby said it's not my fault and that those that are terrified are watching too much news /on social media too much.

To be honest, I don't have a social media (I actually got rid of it this year) and I don't watch the news.  I stay up to date from friends and family who are political junkies and I feel like I am well informed without drowning myself in every bit of information out there.  There are days that I don't even think about the virus.  I haven't changed anything really, I live my life the way I did before this "pandemic" and I'm happy.  If all of us live to be 100 that's still not a lot of time, I don't want to waste the gift of life that has been entrusted to me worrying about what could happen to me or a loved one.  Not that I'm not cautious but.. life is just too short you guys.  Too short to look down our noses at people who don't act or think the way we do (which, I'm preaching to the choir because I pridefully did this more than once this week :( )

So does this mean you never leave home for any reason?  You feel this is all right because your husband said so?  Do you understand that more than 200,000 have died because of this terrible virus.  People are still dying because of this terrible disease.  SMH because so many people think like you do and you have no right to think that all is okay-IT ISN'T.  I do hope this disease doesn't anyone in your family.
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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2021, 03:39:22 pm »
If you read the science, it says that masks do not work. Plain and simple.

If you are wearing a mask and it protects you, then why do other people need to wear masks? Aren't you protected by it?

Calling people morons is not beneficial to anyone. Intelligent debate may sway an opinion but name-calling is for grade school politics.


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2021, 04:29:09 pm »
Let me tell you something about these so called masks and face coverings. They Don't work. I personally know 2 people who has been diagnosed with covid 19 and they are the most careful people I know. Stay home if you don't need to go out. If not the new president j b is gonna lock down this country to keep you home until the virus is gone :peace:


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2021, 07:40:20 pm »
Nothing but politics.

God backs the government instructing us RE virus.No one is perfect,but good enuff for me.

U see the #s rose with the holidays.Wake up all.I know we can be in wrong place wrong time even if we are careful,but the #s would go down if we paid attn.

When Gods organization says no masks etc or  U can stop social distancing I will put it up to the shrewd and wise ones.

To those that wanna do your own thing and be defiant thats typical of this world till God says....enuff!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 07:41:58 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2021, 07:41:22 pm »
I always wear a mask when I am in a store or go into a restaurant.  I wear the mask to protect myself and other people.  I think someone who doesn't care about other people are rude and doesn't care about anyone but themselves.


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2021, 10:23:03 am »
It's just very ignorant.  It's basic science.  If masks didn't work why do doctors wear them?  My state mandated masks in March so everyone wears one and every store requires them so it's not even questioned now.  But it seems that some states are still not doing it and that's just stupid. 

People aren't wearing the same masks as doctors. nor are they following the same safety protocols.


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2021, 01:09:13 pm »
>you should lose your rights & privileges to medical aid when & if you contract the virus!

Should smokers lose their rights to get treated for lung cancer, emphysema, and any other medical aid that is required due to their smoking?

What about those who have gotten diabetes 2 - due to their overconsumption of food & lack of exercise? Should they be denied the right to medical aid because of their obesity?

& what about all those other medical maladies that are caused by poor lifestyle choices... are you overweight? Don't exercise enough?  Eat the wrong types of food?  Do you consume alcohol & have liver damage... No medical aid for any them?  What about someone who gets in an accident by drinking & driving -- leave them to die on the side of the road because no medical aid for them due to being a "selfish stupid person"?

Be Better.
Did someone just clone you to be Countrygirl?

This is about prevention and an ounce of it is worth a pound of cure.

You wouldnt let a smoker smoke in your house or car if you were a non-smoker.

They enforced seabelts now.Pretty soon masks will be enforced.....this is out of control.Wake-up.

You tell the ones who wear masks to stay in.NOOOOOOOOOO the defiant should stay in....more chance they spread it.

Gods rulz!!While i think the majority obey masks and social distancing,if UR on the fence just remember God has stopped WORLDWIDE preaching of his kingdom because of this virus right NOW!You can defy the rulz or help combat this virus.Eventually they gave U a fine for NOT wearing your seatbelt.Those defiant might get off EZ with just a fine now then lose their lives or cause someone else to lose theirs.

So anyone whose opinion you don't like is now the girl you stalk here on FusionCash?  Be Better.

May I recommend to you the 'ignore member' opinion offered here on the FusionCash discussion board.

BTW, I wear a mask when I go out. 


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2021, 01:21:49 pm »
It's just very ignorant.  It's basic science.  If masks didn't work why do doctors wear them?  My state mandated masks in March so everyone wears one and every store requires them so it's not even questioned now.  But it seems that some states are still not doing it and that's just stupid. 

Doctors wear surgical masks, rated N95... they don't wear the flimsy cotton ones with fashion statements.

CDC Report Shows That Of COVID Infected People, 71% Had “Always” Worn Masks


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2021, 01:26:59 pm »
I mean.. I don't wear a mask.. and I don't feel like it's because I'm stupid but sometimes I do feel bad.  Not because I'm afraid that someone will get sick because of my lack of wearing a mask but because I know people are terrified and I don't want to be the reason someone is afraid to go shopping :( my Hubby said it's not my fault and that those that are terrified are watching too much news /on social media too much.

To be honest, I don't have a social media (I actually got rid of it this year) and I don't watch the news.  I stay up to date from friends and family who are political junkies and I feel like I am well informed without drowning myself in every bit of information out there.  There are days that I don't even think about the virus.  I haven't changed anything really, I live my life the way I did before this "pandemic" and I'm happy.  If all of us live to be 100 that's still not a lot of time, I don't want to waste the gift of life that has been entrusted to me worrying about what could happen to me or a loved one.  Not that I'm not cautious but.. life is just too short you guys.  Too short to look down our noses at people who don't act or think the way we do (which, I'm preaching to the choir because I pridefully did this more than once this week :( )

So does this mean you never leave home for any reason?  You feel this is all right because your husband said so?  Do you understand that more than 200,000 have died because of this terrible virus.  People are still dying because of this terrible disease.  SMH because so many people think like you do and you have no right to think that all is okay-IT ISN'T.  I do hope this disease doesn't anyone in your family.

Died OF Covid-19 or died with Covid-19.   Only a reported 6% of the "200,000" deaths have been BECAUSE of "this terrible disease".  George Floyd was positive for Covid-19 when he died, did he die because of Covid-19 or with Covid-19?  Perhaps he couldn't breathe because of Covid-19...


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2021, 05:45:11 pm »
Name calling is unnecessary, but the point is. IF masks work, then why are you screaming about me wearing one. Apparently yours doesnt work, which means what is the point of wearing one at all?

And before anyone loses their mind, I do wear a mask when I go to stores and resturants. I just dont feel like it is anyone elses business whether I do or not.


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Re: To the morons screaming about their rights to not wearing the mask
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2021, 06:15:29 pm »
>you should lose your rights & privileges to medical aid when & if you contract the virus!

Should smokers lose their rights to get treated for lung cancer, emphysema, and any other medical aid that is required due to their smoking?

What about those who have gotten diabetes 2 - due to their overconsumption of food & lack of exercise? Should they be denied the right to medical aid because of their obesity?

& what about all those other medical maladies that are caused by poor lifestyle choices... are you overweight? Don't exercise enough?  Eat the wrong types of food?  Do you consume alcohol & have liver damage... No medical aid for any them?  What about someone who gets in an accident by drinking & driving -- leave them to die on the side of the road because no medical aid for them due to being a "selfish stupid person"?

Be Better.
Did someone just clone you to be Countrygirl?

This is about prevention and an ounce of it is worth a pound of cure.

You wouldnt let a smoker smoke in your house or car if you were a non-smoker.

They enforced seabelts now.Pretty soon masks will be enforced.....this is out of control.Wake-up.

You tell the ones who wear masks to stay in.NOOOOOOOOOO the defiant should stay in....more chance they spread it.

Gods rulz!!While i think the majority obey masks and social distancing,if UR on the fence just remember God has stopped WORLDWIDE preaching of his kingdom because of this virus right NOW!You can defy the rulz or help combat this virus.Eventually they gave U a fine for NOT wearing your seatbelt.Those defiant might get off EZ with just a fine now then lose their lives or cause someone else to lose theirs.

So anyone whose opinion you don't like is now the girl you stalk here on FusionCash?  Be Better.

May I recommend to you the 'ignore member' opinion offered here on the FusionCash discussion board.

BTW, I wear a mask when I go out.
Sorry you dont appreciate my logic combined with my sense of humor.I have had much success with other members.I guess you cant please everyone.

You are really reaching for something when you say only 6% have died or Floyd may have died from virus when its plain as day what cop did to him.

Its best U ignore me.What i seem to have said you have had the problem with.Lemme RECOMMEND it to you!!

As far as CG is concerned,anyone that sends in a zillion reports from the past to present and does dirty work on the internet to dig up dirt on you and yet she is as paranoid as a chipmunk in a lions cage will continue to get what she deserves.I at least try to add some humor to it when exposing her.

She is getting hers now and i have the support of many members there as well.Stalker?LOL!!I am 4 months away from my 42 wedding anniversary if you can read between the lines.

I got rid of 1 rat here and also another creep yrs ago.If CG wants to be a part of being exposed to what she really be it.......As long as she can hide her butt wherever that might be she feels safe to continue to be the rat,creep and liar that she REALLY is!!!

Glad to hear you wear a mask....we dont want virus deaths to reach 7%....LOL!!

« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 06:23:19 pm by Donnamarg323 »

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