I never wear my mask outside or when I'm driving my car.
I think that is the height of stupidity. I only wear the mask into places that firmly state you must wear a mask to enter a building. Then I take it off as soon as possible.
I hope they stop mandating masks before I have to kill myself. It's like I'm living in an alternate universe that is upside down and backwards. I still firmly believe that it should be left up to the individual whether or not to don a mask. It's unconstitutional, you know.
After all, if you want to wear a mask, I think that's your prerogative. But I don't think that, as a healthy person, I should be required to wear one. And I don't appreciate you mask shaming me for not wearing one if you're wearing one. You're protected, aren't you? 
This virus is an excuse to see how far the government can run our lives. We've never before gone to these lengths to protect ourselves from a virus. Using proper sanitary precautions should be enough protection for us all just as it's always been. Healthy people can survive the virus. It has a really low death rate, for Pete sake. Stay home if you're sick is good advice, but don't lock us all down forever. It's ruining a lot of lives and businesses. Such a shame! 
Exactly. It amazes me and how "maskers" and those wearing a face diaper think they can call others names for not wearing mask but get all butthurt if they are made fun of or called names for wearing a mask. It goes both ways. I don't care if others wear a face diaper but like you said you have no right to as you said try to shame me for not having one on. I have only had one person say something to me for not having a mask on. I told her "I don't wear a mask" and the look in my eyes told her not to push it any further and she did not.
As I stated before if it is absolute mandate (the dentist and the vet) I did comply. Just while inside the building.
And you are also 100% correct - it is all about control. And it is amazing at how easily so many were brain washed and just lined up like sheep heading to the slaughter house. This is a virus. Nothing more. Yes it has killed a few people. But so does the flu.
I am thankful I am not gullible and living in fear. And as far as "shaming" me - that does not and will not happen. I have been on the receiving end of a few looks but I can throw them back. Just hide behind your mask and keep moving. Like you said you got your protective thin piece of material over your face so you are protected. Like a girl at work's daughter told somebody - You worry about your face and let me worry about mine. lol