« on: August 18, 2016, 06:58:35 pm »Message ID: 1087005
my friend tried to commit suicide about 3 times. i don't really think she wanted to die. i think she was just sick of all the pain and suffering from the events in her life and her mom doing the things she did. kicked her out at 16 and lived with me for about a week. she stayed where she could and i eventually called dcfs and told them what was going on and she was put in foster care and was in foster care until she turned i believe 18 and then she married coz she wanted out of her foster parents house and she was married for a couple years until there was constant fights and a divorce soon after. now, she's married again and seems happy but i think she will always resent me for calling dcfs. well, i was only looking out for her safety and she needed a permanent place to live but she was telling me that her foster mom would pull her hair and push her down the stairs. well, if that is true than she doesn't have to deal with that any longer.